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  • #12426

    In reply to: Airships

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    Guys please…

    I’m not sure how many times you will have to be told no before you remember what the word ‘no’ means, but they are not going to do flying ships. This is a survival pirate theme; not steampunk, not sky pirates, not space.

    They are not going to enable flying ships because it screws with other plug-ins and has a high abuse factor of people bypassing claims. They literally just disabled top to PREVENT this very same type of abuse.

    So please, instead of making a support topic for the idea (which Gods just specifically asked everyone NOT TO DO) how about move on to a better idea that isn’t a game-breaking OP suggestion?

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    • ★★★★★

    Topic: Airships

    • Topics: 23
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    Zoroax mentioned this towards gods and i think we should discuss how strong we want airships to be, because it really is a big topic.,….and maybe this would even lead to spammed skies.

    I suggest to add hot air balloons that have similar settings for baloons like for dhows but carpenters can build them.
    So some people could travel the air with them and only trade small amounts or carry stuff i small amounts with this.

    Airships in the size of maybe frigates should be allowed for boatswains.
    Airships allow a mostly sneaky and hidden way of trading and ignore most claims since one could easily fly over a claim.
    Therefore i think those powerful devices should only be open to a very small group…however that’s my opinion.

    • Topics: 794
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    When im in-game im bombarded with everything under the sun, It’s near impossible in my position to monitor and take action for everything, Most of the time people just can’t be bothered to read, 80% of the time just repeating myself over and over because people are lazy.

    So if you had/have anything to improve PirateCraft in any way, small or major, then im welcoming replies to this topic or PM me if you don’t wish it to be public, as im sure to have forgotten or missed some fantastic ideas to improve PirateCraft. I don’t want to come across as unapproachable but its extremely hard when im sent near brain-dead messages 90% of the time im online, so maybe this is a better medium to get your messages across without opening your own topic, Savvy?

    Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen!


    • Topics: 21
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    Look, youre digging an even bigger hole for yourself especially trying to appeal a decision nade by the server owner @godsdead.

    It was your own fault for not listening or respecting any mods decisions over the issues that happened.

    We are becoming more tired of this spamming BS! Consider yourself lucky,

    I woukd advisr you to stop spamming thr forums, chill out for a while, clear your head and wait for your temp ban to finish.

    Pleae do not open up anothe rcase referencing this.

    Case closed!

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    DORK!! This type if bullcrap can get you banned permanent stop making threads before he does!!! I’m doing this cause I care cause when he bans u don’t cry saying we didn’t try to stop u






    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Dork you need to settle down bro. You caused unnecessary issues for the mods while they were trying to handle an emergency situation!

    I’m sure you will be un-jailed when the server is fixed, but until then you need to stop pointing fingers. If you saw an area unclaimed you should have reported it, not raided it; you know better. :/


    In reply to: Goodbye

    • Topics: 133
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    This thread is from 2014. CrazyPirate is still around and acting as Prime Minister for the BE. Can this gravedug topic please be locked? 😛

    • Topics: 8
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    Check out this old thread: It lists the basic conditions that one so-called town should have by Minecraft standards. Cities are very large towns with more developed infrastructure. The closest a town ever got to being classed as a city was Evermoore as far as I know. As for nations and empires… Well. Classing them by number of claim blocks is a bit silly, as many players have over 9k of them. I don’t think a single person should profess to rule over an “empire” when it’s only him or her and one or two friends working together. But hey, if that’s what people want to do I guess it’s up to them. Every great empire has to start somewhere. Groups on this scale are a rather new-fangled thing for PirateCraft. I’d say the British Empire is the only current “proper” empire what with 40 odd members and a decent number of settlements dotted around the map. Even so, it’s still at a very early stage of development. In the long term, I look forward to seeing what effects this will have on society as a whole. Already we are seeing rebels, freeloaders and copy-cats emerging. The days of exclusive pirate law are growing short, it’s the organised nations who will shape the future.


    I just made an educated guess when it came to the 9k blocks for an empire, i only have the average starting amount so 9k looked really out of reach for me which is why i will say adapt it into a fair amount and have an X ammount of crew members to obtain these statuses.

    • Topics: 133
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    • Total: 1354
    • ★★★★★★★

    Check out this old thread: It lists the basic conditions that one so-called town should have by Minecraft standards. Cities are very large towns with more developed infrastructure. The closest a town ever got to being classed as a city was Evermoore as far as I know.

    As for nations and empires… Well. Classing them by number of claim blocks is a bit silly, as many players have over 9k of them. I don’t think a single person should profess to rule over an “empire” when it’s only him or her and one or two friends working together. But hey, if that’s what people want to do I guess it’s up to them. Every great empire has to start somewhere.

    Groups on this scale are a rather new-fangled thing for PirateCraft. I’d say the British Empire is the only current “proper” empire what with 40 odd members and a decent number of settlements dotted around the map. Even so, it’s still at a very early stage of development. In the long term, I look forward to seeing what effects this will have on society as a whole. Already we are seeing rebels, freeloaders and copy-cats emerging. The days of exclusive pirate law are growing short, it’s the organised nations who will shape the future.

    • Topics: 8
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    • ★★

    Thank you Sting, but at the end of the day we can only make suggestions and hope that there is some way of implementing them into the game, so this topic is only a debate amongst players unless a mod stumbles upon this and cares or comes to a compromise.

    But either way, we should all come up with a system that everyone would be happy with that would be easy to understand and implement into the server without breaking anything or making things unbalanced.

    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 228
    • Total: 238
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    The PirateCraft economy is dying, and it is dying fast.


    Because new shop owners are setting up signs without checking prices, and they devalue all the expensive stuff.


    Let me tell you a story:

    When i first joined a diamond was worth $50 or more APEICE. Yes that’s right, diamonds were actually WORTH SOMETHING!!

    Then a lovely man named WogWorld joined and began offering diamonds for not just a few dollars below the running rate (competitive selling) but at less than HALF of what others were selling for, $20.

    This sounds awesome right? Cheap diamonds for everyone!!! Now here’s the problem. When diamonds no longer sell for 50$, that means if you go to sell your diamonds to another shop, you MIGHT be able to sell them for half the price.

    What does this mean? It means that diamonds WERE worth 30$ to sell; but Wog bought them for 15$.


    So what have we learned? Being nice and lowering the price might make you a quick buck; but everyone on the server suffers for it. Wog sold competitively, and he always tried to buy diamonds as close as he could to the price he sold it at so this didn’t happen; but these new shops are not doing this.




    Currently the going price for a diamond at the cheapest of shops is 10-15$.


    Less than 6 months ago, a diamond was worth 50$. Now it is worth 10$, and you can sell a diamond to a shop for $5. Do you not see the issue here? These people might be making a quick buck, but now diamonds are nearly WORTHLESS!?



    Please everyone, standardize your prices! Very very soon, prices on everything will be so low that no one will have any reason to USE the economy system, and no one will be able to sell things to make money because everything is practically worthless.



    Short Version:

    Stop making your shop prices so cheap you are ruining the economy!!?

    • Topics: 111
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    Ok, so after what Athen had said, I would like to make some points out

    • Each shop should have its own buy & sell materials.
    • Each shop should sell and buy the same thing, only never selling and buying what other shops have (besides player owned warps)
    • The shops must have access by LAND an sea
    • Shops should conclude a deal of the day (complete of topic but…)
    • Shops should have decor to what it sells
    • Last but not least, shops need to have the needs and wants suggested.

    Just pointing out some highs and personal thoughts.

    Lord Dorkito101



    In reply to: The Cove shop ideas

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Yes I have an idea:

    Suggestion: Economics

    I’ve talked to CallieMav and Ma_c_hi about this, and they’ve both started testing various aspects about it.

    We already have the ability to sell custom items through villagers, which we can input into this idea like so:

    Player buys a custom item from a villager using (ex. iron ingot) and then takes that item and sells it to a sign shop for actual $$$?


    If what I just said makes no sense disregard it, but don’t disregard the whole idea. To answer your earlier reply, we do not need 3 different worlds because we can simply use custom-named items not-obtainable through vanilla MC activities and only can be bought/sold using the NPC Shop System.


    P.S. – The new shop system with chests should make it much easier to be able to sell these items, the only thing Ma_c_hi and CallieMav and I have been having trouble with is making items non-teleportable.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    I like your opinion, but you probably won’t stop people from naming their towns “nations” as most of these people probably don’t look at the forum or don’t have an account. Or they just don’t care. The only thing I don’t fully agree with is how you define a nation. A nation hasn’t to be a group of towns. It has to be a group of people which are connected in some ways. Also, a single city can be a separate nation(history confirms that). But it would have to have a lot of citizens(of course scaling down to the population of PirateCraft) and enough power to keep the nation independent, so the city would have to be  relatively big or/and well fortified and, like you said, not to be a tiny town with 2-3 members.

    Unfortunately, it doesn’t really work in minecraft as very few elements of this game are meant to be realistic. I think most people on the server play in small groups or want to grow powerful alone, because in this game you don’t really need other people to survive. And nobody stops the constant increase of the amount of small towns called “nations” by their owners, I see a few options why:

    1. There isn’t any dominating power among the non-claimed lands
    2. Local people are afraid to fight the new people as they can just respawn and fight back like without an end
    3. Local people don’t feel powerful enough to fight the new people

    Although I support your ideas(along with the naming suggestion 🙂 ), I think the mentioned process isn’t going to stop, unless groups of people from nearby lands will start to unite on a bigger scale(like the British, but in a more unitary way to have more control over the territory) but I have no idea if it works in this game.

    Well, that was pretty long, sometimes I just like to tell everything I have to tell 😛

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