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  • #15898
    • Topics: 66
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    • Total: 1110
    • ★★★★★★★

    <span style=”line-height: 1.5;”>Islands are really important on PirateCraft, they are Ports, Forts, settlements, trading areas and more.</span>

    I have looked at the live map and found many Islands which have been built on but have been blown apart.

    Here is what I want to discuss.


    Some people build on these islands, claim parts of them, get destroyed or raided and NEVER come back.

    I find this just a waste of time and of a small piece of landmass for chunks (I was going to put miles).


    I was wondering if people have left their islands or claims for a long time and if there is ruin on that islands.

    Here is what I propose; clear all the islands of rubbish, claims and whatever IF the owner hasn’t been on for over a month if they haven’t stated their reason or whatever for leaving for such a long time.

    So maybe if you could think about it or maybe tweak a couple of things to do with this suggestion, I think those of us who have found an island but it’s been claimed and not used could it be removed and if destroyed, repaired.

    Thanks as ever.



    Topic: My pizza

    • Topics: 42
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    Today i was pvping on Piratecraft and i forgot my pizza in the oven. It was very very sad.

    Completely different note i sell drinks and random stuff in my shop! stop by!

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁


    In reply to: General Questions

    • Topics: 63
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    • Total: 500
    • ★★★★★★

    No. 1 How do you create a group on the site

    Hover over your name on the top right, hover over groups and click “create a group”

    No. 2 Why is it that people use their power to pick on people who have nothing?

    Because some people are ****s

    No. 3 How do you become a huge empire?

    Through hard work and dedication

    No. 4 What’s the quickest way to get op armor.

    Go buy it from a shop. If you don’t want to do that, then just enchanting…

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 215
    • Total: 227
    • ★★★★

    Thanks for keeping it on topic!




    In reply to: 1,000?

    • Topics: 66
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    Yeah it says so when it says total of (how many topics there are at the time you look at it) and that’s also if you can call this a topic.


    In reply to: 1,000?

    • Topics: 133
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    • Total: 1354
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    What, this is really the 1000th topic? 😮

    • Topics: 133
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    I think what bugs people is the massive PVP advantage instant tping gives you. As Godsdead says, especially the /back command. From what I’ve seen, many raid abuse glitches (backforcing anyone?) and like 90% of harassment cases are because of donators using /back constantly.

    A slightly negative downside to instant teleports is that player-made traps have no effects on donators. Fall traps, lava traps, piston traps, suffocation traps… All a donator has to do is /home and he or she doesn’t lose anything and can even teleport back again instantly using /back. If teleports had 1 second delay for donators as well (basically nothing), it would prevent them from being able to cheaply escape from certain death scenarios.

    On a side note, if a donator is going to lose a PVP battle, all they have to do is sprint away for 15 seconds (which CANNOT be caught up with if the donator is any good at running) and instantly do /home. I was once in the same situation when fighting Karim. My crew got overpowered and I was the last man standing. Instead of dying and losing prot IV, I decided to leg it. I must have run for like 5 minutes before I dared do /home. Because IF someone had been right behind me when I stopped, they could easily have caught up in the 5 seconds teleport delay and slaughtered me. When I did do /home, the wait felt like forever. But it made the run and the panic feel all the more worthwhile.

    However, I do feel that last option is a perfectly ok perk for donators if they want it that much. The 15 second PVP delay is there for a reason after all.

    It’s the traps that bug me personally, as a redstone architect should have the option of defending his base with brains, not just with brawn. It’s also the only way many people will ever score a kill against an OP player.

    • Topics: 12
    • Replies: 215
    • Total: 227
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    Solid, in future dont comment on any of my posts, the comments are never relevant, and im fed up deleting your completely off topic “replies”

    • Topics: 18
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    I disagree,if you are being picked on by someone far more powerful then you are,then just create a siege proof base and stay hidden.I’ve worked way too hard to just have the server restarted because of a topic that probably doesn’t  affect all of ever I do think there should be another additional world to the server were you can start a fresh beginning,and all your stuff would be saved from the other.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    • Topics: 5
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    • Total: 57
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    I think that this topic and all of its ideas are about as ridiculous as complaining of PvP on a PvP server. I also think you should practice more if it is too hard. Because trying to get a server reset would still not change you losing or dying.

    Just a suggestion.


    Smokey River
    • Topics: 22
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    I agree yet disagree. I think some things as well are to op and that the harassment should stop. Because it is ridiculous. But this is a PVP server as well so people are gonna die a lot.

    I tagged you guys because I think this is a very interesting thread.



    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

    • Topics: 12
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    Your correct, the stats isnt working correctly, i have discussed the issues with crazy too.

    He assures me the person who killed me was not a member of BE.

    I recall my declaration of war at present, although the attitude of certain players is difficult to ignore,

    If staff had an issue with a crew being too big, do you not think we would just cap it?

    We dont need an excuse to stop something, its our server, you play by our rules.

    we havent suggest anything even be stopped so get off your high horse.



    In reply to: Piratecraft Cruise

    • Topics: 7
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    • Total: 113
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    The top post doesn’t flow at all. It makes it hard to read.

    Edit: you’ll get more business using professionalism, just don’t force it.

    Grand-Overseer of Vault-Tec, and overseer of Vault 121.
    Message me about joining Vault-Tec!


    In reply to: Piratecraft Cruise

    • Topics: 111
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    That is what I meant by Stop and Explore. However, I do need a port accessable by sea.



    In reply to: Piratecraft Cruise

    • Topics: 66
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    You’ll have to get permission from some areas as some entrances to other seas are controlled or need payment and I have built a small fort as well near an entrance to the sea of Evermoor, but I would happily let you through due to the fact the Elves and the Imperial Empire are allies and so far I know of no Enemies of mine.

    Also you should stop off at certain important historical areas of the server or ask for permission to stop at settlements for almost like tourists.

    This would be a good holiday making business as well!

    Be prepared Holiday Makers!!

    Prepare for the gathering round the beaches!!



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