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  • #20932

    In reply to: Olympic Stadium

    • Topics: 133
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    Is this the topic you lost?

    I went to google and did olympic

    and it found it, also if you go to the forums main page, there is a search input on this page.

    That’s a good tip, using Google didn’t occur to me. The search function has never seemed to work for me, neither on the main page nor on the right hand side. It always shows this:

    I would happily admin claim a giant area and put Paul in charge of trusting/un-trusting peeps from it, That way it cant be blown up, sieged etc, any server wide projects like this can be supported by admin claims yo.

    Once its built we can have a big event!

    Heck yeah, we need more events like this! And also more ones like Anivian’s dead drop treasure hunts – they bring so much to the server!

    Will the stadium have to be built by hand? I’ve calculated the (red) running track alone will require approximately 48 stacks of 64 red clay and two double chests full of quartz blocks to complete.

    @OfficialRS @MCMonkeyGMx @CaptainCrackerz @anyone else interested: We need to choose a place to put the stadium. It’s current dimensions are 148×220 (32’560 claim blocks, phew!). With seating it would probably be more like 230×300 (69’000 claim blocks). It’s been downsized and the running track now corresponds with the official Olympic proportions. Also, would anyone be willing to help donate resources/harvest blocks if we have to build it by hand?

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    That is the correct thread, I’d suggest untagging the staff before they get pissed 😛


    In reply to: Olympic Stadium

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    Jesus @Wilson figured out how to tag me, Wilson if your going to be an annoying on the fourms as-well, I will find a away to ignore you on here too!

    I would happily admin claim a giant area and put Paul in charge of trusting/un-trusting peeps from it, That way it cant be blown up, sieged etc, any server wide projects like this can be supported by admin claims yo.

    Once its built we can have a big event!

    Is this the topic you lost?

    I went to google and did olympic

    and it found it, also if you go to the forums main page, there is a search input on this page.


    In reply to: Olympic Stadium

    • Topics: 66
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    Awesome I’ll get put link in the post to the list.

    Some of the events on there aren’t in the official list but I’m sure some can be added in soon.
    Also I’ll put a link in this to the forum where we could have more chats about this awesome stadium blueprint/layout.

    Also I should also state that we will need some OCs in each crew who want to be apart of this.

    OCs stands for Olympic Committee.

    They would be in charge or everything Olympic related in their crew.

    This includes.

    Getting a place in the Olympic games and helping to organise it.

    Help support those athletes to soon become Olympians and Olympians.

    To fund Olympic related activities in their crew and possibly help other crews.


    I know this isn’t the place to advertise or whatever so I’ll try to continue this in the group so here are the links!


    Looks like a put a link to both the page AND the group 😀


    Killin 2 birds with one stone.

    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 347
    • Total: 363
    • ★★★★★

    Request denied, topic closed.

    • Topics: 133
    • Replies: 1221
    • Total: 1354
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    Sooooo the other Olympic topic seems to have got lost in the forums once again. I’ve been wondering what progress is being made. The Verussians should be the ones hosting the games if I remember correctly? I started designing an Olympic stadium earlier on today as inspiration to those who wish to organise the event. 🙂

    No seating yet folks, anyone watching would have to stand. X_X

    Because the old topic has disappeared, I couldn’t look up which events had already been thought up. I went with the following:

    -o- Long Jump (using a speed booster)
    -o- High Jump (with a trampoline)
    -o- Skydiving (Splat.)
    -o- Hurdling (horse racing with hurdles)
    -o- Parkour
    -o- Sprinting/Racing
    -o- Archery
    -o- Swordfighting
    -o- Fistfighting
    -o- Sailing
    -o- Competitive Drinking

    Anything else that was important?


    In reply to: Siege updates

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    Again, its a very short period that a player is a deckhand if they stay on the server, and personally I think its a MUCH more improved system that stop asshole players attacking brand new players and making them quit, the longer you are playing the more prepared you are.


    In reply to: Allied Declaration

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    Elex stop writing BS.

    I wasn’t trying to accomplish anything.

    The way I type or whatever topic I make only ever goes down with certain people.

    Why can’t it be with everyone or majority everyone 🙁


    In reply to: Allied Declaration

    • Topics: 9
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    War, War never changes.

    On the contrary, war has changed. From Sword vs Sword to an atomic bomb, there is a huge variety of types of war. Well said paul.


    The quote is from a game, and it isn’t meant to be interpreted as being literal but rather, metaphorical. Despite how war is done, the reasoning for it never really changes. It’s always about hate or/and power.


    In reply to: The Truth

    • Topics: 17
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    • Total: 187
    • ★★★★

    Ok, this thread is ridiculous.  If everyone just stopped making racist and sexist jokes in chat, none of this would be a problem…


    • Topics: 18
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    Yea I have gone on to the live map to check the progress on one of my towns to find Zee attacking Angel at there. I rush over and kill him. He then promised to once again kill her when I am not online, he made true on that promise.

    It’s come to a point where she can’t even go to warps without being killed by him. It has to stop.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    • Topics: 0
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    • Total: 6

    i hope i am posting this in the right spot i couldn’t fine where i could just post one…so here i go…


    Username: AngelRooBoo

    Rank: Cadet

    Reason: harassment and stalking

    Evidence: Print Screen n logs for what i can get of both

    Additional Information: he has been harassing n stalking me for 3 days now the logs im sending to u don’t have everything bc my computer is crap when he starts to kill me over n over n over n over it freezes me n my computer so i do apologize i also just recently found out how to screenshot so i have some of those.. now  i have sent you a private message also bc there has been so many people harassing me in chat over  Zee_King_Bee_XD  bc i said i was turning him in so i didn’t want the post to blow up…but i have many witnesses on my behalf and would be glad to conform all this….i am a 35 yr old woman who plays MC just because of my girls jessiebooder and rachelrooder they are players on ur server as well we know the rules we know its a pvp if we didn’t want that we wouldn’t be on here..we want to play in peace and if we do get pvped fine but over n over n over right after a nother to the point we can respon without dieing is rediculus…now the names of my wittness are…..   _kingrs_    wilsonmanzer     illyndra  blitzextreme  cysteen   zindarak   arinthros    SeconDeath    Konstruktor     i believe that is it but they all have asked n told him to stop harassing me and stalking me and he has done most of them in a shop place or has come to my crew home and would not leave….please do something about this because if he keeps it up you well loose 3 players for good…he deserves to be banned for a while me n my girls cant go shoping we cant leave our home and im so very getting tired of this i am a gamer profection in real life i go to college for it n i dont like being on a game n cant play bc all u do is die 24/7 … and when he came after my daughter jessiebooder i told hime not to even touch her he came to our home he decided to attack me again today and ontop of that him and witcher_geralt was waiting there n when i respond n got back to my house they was waiting there n killed me again before i could even get in my door so now zee has other people stalking and harassing us and not even letting us be able to even play the game….so please see he gets punished fairly… and do ask any ?s if need so all those people said they well tell u anything u need to know….

    Thank You AngelRooBoo hopefully a future mcpirate player

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    • Topics: 15
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    Welcome to The Verussian Empires recruitment thread
    This is the application thread for the VE, anyone is welcome to join the Verussian Empire so long as they Follow these rules.
    Follow ALL server rules and respect the Staff
    -Do not engage in PvP with Allies unless neciccary
    – Raid/pillage/murder all you want asking aslong it does not conflict with rule 1, 2 or 3
    – Any object built in VE territory must always stay VE
    – Do not disrespect your superiors                                                                   – Stay active                                                                                                           – All VE members must obey The following rules                                        – All VE members are given 3 chances once these are broken you will be disposed of.
    To apply you must follow the Application form.                          Minecraft Username:
    What rank are you within Pirate craft?
    What can you bring to the empire? ( Pvp , Building ect..)
    Do you have any enemy’s/Allies currently?
    How many server warnings do you have.                                               Have you ever played on a server like pirate craft previously?
    Why do you want to join this empire?
    Do you plan on donating or donating in the furture?
    Can you say a little about yourself? ( optional).

    Thank you for taking your time to read this topic
    If you wish to keep your application personal,
    Private message.

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.


    In reply to: Truth

    • Topics: 794
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    Rep you’ve gotta stop this validation, This is the second video with another person in saying they are you. If you want to be a girl in-game nobody has an issue with that at all, nobody ever has.



    In reply to: Siege updates

    • Topics: 10
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    GodsDead I urge you to add slabs and stairs too the soft blocks list it is jsut too annoying


    fine but people use cobble slabs as walls and its unbreakable and annoying if you have reasoning for saying this that’s ok

    Don’t take a rage at me mr godzy please 😛

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