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  • #22536
    • Topics: 9
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    I like the idea, but it seems very OP to me. If it is possible to alter the game mechanic, I would like to offer a compromise. In most games with sneaking elements, armor adversely affects one’s ability to sneak. Perhaps the name tag could be removed, but the armor is still visible. This way, players can forgo their armor to spy, but invisibility potions do not cause a player to be effectively invincible.

    thats what I meant lol like you just repeated me


    From what I see, you actually said nothing about the armour still being visible as a consequence of using invisibility potions as a positive thing. In fact, it seems like you want the entire character to be invisible (armour as well) while Eph wants the armour to be visible…

    • Topics: 8
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    • ★★★

    I found Pirate Craft because my old server had removed the ships plugin. I searched for servers with the ships plugin or some variation of it and this was one of the top 3 that came up.

    Raise your glasses, raise them high. Draw your swords, stand or die!

    • Topics: 111
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    well, I got banned from this old pirate server, then my cousin BannedForHacking or ryguybuddy, showed me this awesome server, and I hadn’t stopped playing since.


    (Of Course Not counted the 2 temp bans :P)


    • Topics: 50
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    Well, I actually found this server through a list of somebodies top servers. This one looked to be the most interesting from the description the person gave so naturally I decided to see if it was any good. The plugins, and especially the prospect of nautical warfare, enticed me to join. It came as quite an unpleasent shock when I discovered that great ship battles rarely occured, actually, but by then I was having too much fun to consider leaving.



    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE


    In reply to: Crews Deleted Forum

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Let’s not turn this into an argument…everyone’s has got to be patient making crews are pointless at this stage…eventually you’ll log on and find them gone and I’m pretty sure it makes God’s job considerably harder. Also @godsdead is it possible to set the Motd informing people of this glitch and a link to this forum post? Just because I know a lot of people have logged on questioning why they have been kicked from their crews and such. Thanks.

    Exactly RS! couldn’t agree with you more! Also Lets let gods finish the crews first then we can focus on MOTD :) we gave him the information he needs. We just have to wait not not pester him.


    Rep, ffs, was it not apparent that that was what Bis was saying. You really need to calm down a  bit here, it’s human nature, that you come on, realise your crew is gone, and create a new one. Silly, yes, but we all make mistakes, and you did it yourself, so please, don’t be so high and mighty.

    Godsy, thanks for getting this done, really appreciate the work you put in man. I think that now he knows what the problem is, we can all calm down a little, and accept the fact that people make mistakes when under pressure.


    In reply to: Crews Deleted Forum

    The Queen
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    I am chill but you are kinda getting under my skin, You cant just over look this information. You need to pay more attention, before going into instant action almost risking the fate of the BE crew. I get you meant good intentions but think. I know your smart just slow down sometimes.

    Now lets get back on topic and wait for him to give us updates on what happened.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    • Topics: 13
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    What was that!? I am terrified, my once favorite game has so dramatically changed!

    (Yes I know it is modded into ridiculousness, Holy Jesus that happened XD)

    Also this is REALLY off topic, GG man. (just joking, don’t take me seriously)

    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.


    In reply to: Crews Deleted Forum

    • Topics: 67
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    I came on  two hours ago finding BE deleted, I simply created it again, invited: Lazydog11, Ephrygian, _swifty, ae0 and knightofdoom2002…

    Sorry I didn’t see this topic.. Uh.. I don’t know what else to say, should I just disband it again?

    It might be a good idea to inform everyone about this issue, as not all players on the server reads the forums regularly.


    Founder of Port Hope


    In reply to: Crews Deleted Forum

    • Topics: 133
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    It looks like crews that have no people online in them are deleted. The BE was going strong until yesterday evening when many other crews had disappeared.

    Alternatively, it might be that crews are being deleted in a backwards alphabetical order. The VE crew disappeared before the IE crew which disappeared before the EE crew which disappeared before the BE crew.

    People panicked when the crews got deleted and tried to recreate them to stop “fakes” from being created. I guess it’s human nature…

    • Topics: 0
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    • Total: 19

    Poor minecarts, get no love. Its a shame minecarts dont get used for transport, having gliders just pushes them back even more!

    The problem is…well, in the case of servers like this one: It’s too expensive to claim that much land to ensure your railroad is safe. As for vanilla Minecraft/singleplayer? It can get rather expensive in iron and gold.

    Not to mention the incredible lag it inroduces to a server.



    In reply to: [Report] Glitching

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
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    ok, let me clarify, I give up because no one gives a care about who I am, they don’t see the potential I could have, all because of one thing, bare in mind you could not find any other incidents against me, and I did ask that all evidence of anything wrong I did on the server, so this is my first, by definition, screw up. yes michty I gave up defending myself, you won’t change your mind, so I can’t do anything to stop you, but I genuinely did not think that was going to work, Bensterpc (Gen_Ben) used that nasty tactic on me when I first joined the server, then told me it was the oldest trick in the book to do. I reported this, but at the time was unaware of the forums page to inform glitching. I understand now that the glitch seems to be a permanent bug associated with sieging, and I understand now that its still a very lively bug, I cant stop you from hating me for finding this out during a siege, so do what you wish, I was making some semi-descent builds that I do wish to finish, but oh well. I don’t ask for pity on me, I just ask you to understand.


    “they don’t see the potential I could have, all because of one thing”

    That one thing was knowing an abusing a glitch for 3 months, and not reporting it. I mean, if I suddenly realised I could get into a base by abusing a glitch, I would pester the staff, 24/7, to get it fixed. Anyone with a sense of decency would do that. However, you used it to your own advantage, and only came clean once you realised the game was up. That’s not commendable, that’s downright disgraceful.

    “I was making some semi-descent builds that I do wish to finish, but oh well”

    You have potential? Lemme guess, the staff are oblivious to your many talents, if people understood your creative genius, no one would want you banned. Dude, building a few houses doesn’t make you exempt from the rules. Staff, please close this and ban him already.


    In reply to: [Report] Glitching

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    Crazy, read what I’ve been saying more carefully, I was abused by this glitch by Bensterpc, and I reported it, 3 months ago, yet at that time I did not have a account for this site, so I couldn’t report it formally. I only made this account maybe less than a month ago. I do also have no idea how to change my head in the account, my skin is not compatible for some reason, sorry that that’s off topic, but I would like to know.


    In reply to: [Report] Glitching

    • Topics: 2
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    ok, let me clarify, I give up because no one gives a care about who I am, they don’t see the potential I could have, all because of one thing, bare in mind you could not find any other incidents against me, and I did ask that all evidence of anything wrong I did on the server, so this is my first, by definition, screw up. yes michty I gave up defending myself, you won’t change your mind, so I can’t do anything to stop you, but I genuinely did not think that was going to work, Bensterpc (Gen_Ben) used that nasty tactic on me when I first joined the server, then told me it was the oldest trick in the book to do. I reported this, but at the time was unaware of the forums page to inform glitching. I understand now that the glitch seems to be a permanent bug associated with sieging, and I understand now that its still a very lively bug, I cant stop you from hating me for finding this out during a siege, so do what you wish, I was making some semi-descent builds that I do wish to finish, but oh well. I don’t ask for pity on me, I just ask you to understand.


    In reply to: [Report] Glitching

    • Topics: 33
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    This is the most entertaining “kicking around” I have ever seen from rule breaker. I mean, srsly, this is just over the top.

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada


    In reply to: [Report] Glitching

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    I am a witness of that I have given the guy almost 3 sets of god armor on the server but whenever there is a fight he just comes without armor and does not even fight. Ben is an amazing builder from what I have seen soo far, Konstruktor will confirm that Ben has a creative mind on the server rather than destructive like me ( I wont lie), one of the reason kons invited him to build beside his city ( we all know kons as an amazing builder and a person ). Ben is kind, caring about others on this server always tries to help wherever whenever however he can. A clean slate on piratecraft since the start. Believe me you dont want tp ban this guy , as he stated he was just testing it and we cant tp people in a siege so stop arguing about how he could have tped in ppl ,r u serious ? you killed him as soon as he came in through the door. Also while we are at noble Ben accepted that he was the culprit without fear, normally most people would try to argue give thier views like I did about bazurka opening the door …


    Okay, this thread has turned from Ben admitting he abused a glitch 3 months back, and continued to use it since, to him defending himself because, and I quote,

    here’s a new design was going to build today, but I’m so disheartened I may never build it now

    Like, you are legit defending a rule break, by claiming that you are a good ish builder. Really? You flat out admitted you glitched, you then flat out admitted it was your first attempt at a siege, you then claim you were testing, and you now claim that because you are a great builder, you shouldn’t get banned after abusing glitches for 3 months.

    I mean, you actually said that you have been doing this since you joined the server. From the outset, you have been breaking the rules. Sweet jesus, how the hell do you think you can get out of this one?

    Guys you all seem to forget that the BE doesn’t care if you did the right thing or if you owned up to it at the end of the day the BE is a system that works to get what it wants and only what it wants quiet a lot of BE members cheat either through logging out to avoid sieges or just flat out block glitching. Ben you did the right thing by saying that you did indeed cheat and that you didn’t mean to do anything bad within the process and honestly you are one of the best people I know (in terms of being nice) but the BE doesn’t care about even though their proof doesn’t prove anything really you still admitted to it and I have to say that is a lot better than any of us would of done cause I speak from experience when I say people try to drag stuff like this out

    Oh, my god. Can I just end it now? Ben, I’m so proud of you, you abused glitches from the moment you joined this server, and you did your best to get an upper hand in a siege by abusing this, but because you keep chat clean, and I have options about you, and the BE are evil (victims of glitch abuse) , it makes everything okay, I can’t believe you admitted to it, you’re my hero.

    You are thanking the guy for coming clean about abusing, and think that he is thereby exempt from the rules? So, if I spend 24 hrs straight advertising:, and later say, “yeah, since I was screenshotted a thousand times breaking the rules, I a

    me helping a person needing a gold shovel, I was willing to trade it for just a dollar when they needed it, I ended up giving them 2

    me helping a person needing a gold shovel, I was willing to trade it for just a dollar when they needed it, I ended up giving them 2

    m forced to admit it, sorry fellas” I should be let of the hook? As an experienced player, he should be setting an example!

    You meantion PG rated chat; that’s there for the kids. He then says, in public chat, he has been abusing glitches for 3 months. And has of yet, gotten away with it. I’d rather swearing any day.

    You’re effectively publically calling the staff incompetent. In it’s simplest terms, you think that because there is overwhelming evidence you should be banned, admitting it is the best option, because people will admire you, and forgive you. Hell to the no, I’m afraid.

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