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  • #22800
    • Topics: 794
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    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    I still find it absolutely amazing we were featured with all these top top servers, were nowhere even close to any of these giant servers, we have had a lot of amazing players come from this article! Tell you what, anyone that leaves a good review in the comments there about PirateCraft I’ll give a small special kit 🙂

    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 6

    It quite literally says “posted 11 days ago” at the top, John :p

    Captain of the Freemen of the West Blue. Saorfir go deo!

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
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    In the top 15? In the top 1, more like 😛

    But we all knew it anyway, gg godsy 😛

    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 6

    Congratulations is in order, I think!

    Captain of the Freemen of the West Blue. Saorfir go deo!

    • Topics: 0
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    NO ! ….. Please no, change is BAD !!! Ok, with that said, I completely agree with E, nether rack should be a soft block indeed.

    You haven’t given a reason, this reply is confusing

    apply sarcasm, should make more sense then 😛


    • Topics: 794
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    Yeah, that’s odd, you created a topic, and it disappeared. Likely due to the website changing hosts or something. But yes, it’s OP if that’s a hard block.

    Correct! @elexandre1994 posted to the old website node.

    Planned website maintenance monday 19th October

    Netherrack is a good idea to be considered a soft block, we have dirt as a soft block in the main world and this isn’t considered a strong block by any means, I like this idea. I will leave this forum open for anyone that can think of a reason why this would be a bad idea.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
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    Yeah, that’s odd, you created a topic, and it disappeared. Likely due to the website changing hosts or something. But yes, it’s OP if that’s a hard block.

    • Topics: 794
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    We have had a lot of issues with the website keep going down recently, the node we are currently on is 8 years old! So I have planned with my web-hosting to move the PirateCraft website to a more powerful node on my birthday, Monday the 19th October at 6am GMT we should hopefully be moved to a new node, the host reports that this will take 10 hours to complete, which is a large amount of downtime.

    You will still be able to use the server with no issues, as for communication you will still be able to use teamspeak to communicate via text or voice chat, this might also be a good time to look into IRC, we have an IRC channel #piratecraft on EsperNet network, Connect via irc:// and /join #piratecraft, We have all IRC information here:

    Make sure to bookmark this url:|?#piratecraft

    Or setup a client if you wish.

    We also have an official Skype Group:



    In reply to: Old Crews and Claims

    • Topics: 794
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    Click the Server Projects and Master Thread List in my signature, you can request any claim to be removed in the remove a claim thread, If the build is bad we will regenerate it when we remove the claim.

    • Topics: 49
    • Replies: 218
    • Total: 267
    • ★★★★★

    @Lorddarkus0 this isn’t really the place to ask this, so I’ll make a separate forum topic for it. Thanks for the proposal though, I’ll bring it up with the rest of the BE High Gov’t and I’m pretty sure they’ll all vote a yes 🙂 once it goes through I’ll let you know.

    ✭✭✭Member of the House of Lords of the British Empire✭✭✭


    In reply to: [Report] Glitching

    • Topics: 794
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    @BenSkyWalker Again, this is not a plugin bug, it can’t be “fixed”, you need to stop trying to make this seem as though its the servers fault, its entirely on you. 100%.

    I don’t think you understand the issue here, this isn’t a technical problem, this is entirely how YOU are acting, the things YOU are saying, you are banned because of YOUR attitude, YOUR way of trying to deal with a situation that should never have happened. You blew this way way waaaayy out of proportion. If you replied differently then you probability would never have been banned in the first place, this is entirely on how you are posting on the forums.

    As a heads up, I was going to unban you after a few weeks, until I read these replies from you.

    Lets see what you have written to try and get yourself unbanned:

    • You are being passive aggressive as though this is someone elses fault?! Its your attitude, you decided to react this way.
    • You are openly saying “I have found another server where I feel home”, Taking a stab at me again.
    • You are trying to take players with you, by openly posting your email in public, I literally cannot believe how you are acting.

    Why the hell haven’t I closed this topic yet? – Closed.

    • Topics: 7
    • Replies: 31
    • Total: 38
    • ★★

    I walk around almost every day and then see a disfigured house and I stop and ask myself, why is that there in our cool world?  Well i walk up and try to break it, and bam, its claimed by a person who hasn’t been on in ages.

    What i’m asking for is the disbandment of crews and the elimination of claims if the person has not been active for over 2 months, then we will no longer have these annoying structures anymore.

    If this topic has already been asked about i’m sorry, i’m a new player and when i see a server with potential i try to make it a little better, knowing my word isn’t that much.

    Criticism is Advice, I Bring Criticism (You Can Quote Me On This)

    • Topics: 66
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    • Total: 1110
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    Was actually looking up servers with Warships, Tanks etc.

    Seems like the Warship part rose to the top & I found this server 😀


    I was very impressed told lots of my friends & they joined 😀


    But not many play now & only some other ones come on when I get them to XD


    In reply to: dagersh bullying

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    dork i’ve said it before that me saying too elex to not be so negative is ironic too me being negative ABOUT EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO! but thats just me with you everyone has that person the dont like i bet you have one. i bet godsy has one i bet i have one.but his jut being an ass too everyone thats not his best buds, when people try to be funny or when people try to report something he shows up and ruins it…..his what i like too call a “dush bag”. oh yea if you are wondering i’m agaisnt that comment you just made ?

    Wow, reading that was like I was a child again trying to read for the very first time. It was horrific. I really hope your knowledge of your native language is much better. But back to the main topic, yes? My problem is that people like this guy, don’t seem to understand that on a PVP server, there really shouldn’t have to be a reason behind someone killing and/or raiding you…it’s PVP. If someone wants to kill someone for fun and you don’t like it? Why not just leave to one of those dull PVE servers or figure out a way to deal with the player without sounding so whiny.


    It’s not his native language, don’t be a dick about it.


    In reply to: dagersh bullying

    • Topics: 9
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    • Total: 217
    • ★★★★

    dork i’ve said it before that me saying too elex to not be so negative is ironic too me being negative ABOUT EVERY SINGLE THING YOU DO! but thats just me with you everyone has that person the dont like i bet you have one. i bet godsy has one i bet i have one.but his jut being an ass too everyone thats not his best buds, when people try to be funny or when people try to report something he shows up and ruins it…..his what i like too call a “dush bag”. oh yea if you are wondering i’m agaisnt that comment you just made ?


    Wow, reading that was like I was a child again trying to read for the very first time. It was horrific. I really hope your knowledge of your native language is much better. But back to the main topic, yes? My problem is that people like this guy, don’t seem to understand that on a PVP server, there really shouldn’t have to be a reason behind someone killing and/or raiding you…it’s PVP. If someone wants to kill someone for fun and you don’t like it? Why not just leave to one of those dull PVE servers or figure out a way to deal with the player without sounding so whiny.

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