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  • #23064

    In reply to: Looking for Writers.

    • Topics: 21
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    • ★★★★★

    @godsdead I am extremely interested about the idea of an “Inspiration” Blog. I am constantly looking for inspiration as well as researching topics to get the creative juices flowing. I am a freshman in high school taking AP classes with juniors and seniors. English as well as History are two of my favorite and more relevant ones. I could post building ideas/tips for concepts such as ships, forts, bridges, gates, towns, farms etc. as well as post some more informational pieces that look into history around the age of pirates. Getting different historical perspectives on maritime, piracy, and civilization proves to be very inspirational for me when it comes to ideas for this server. I could even post blogs that are based of server groups such the British Empire and explain irl British history etc. These topics would range to something very general like a basic overall “time line” or something as specific as the East India Company’s presence in India before it became a British Colony. This would be a great medium for me to share my love of PirateCraft with everyone on the server. If you want, you can pm me a topic and I can write a trial post for you if it helps. Thanks for reading. I hope i can be a part of this experience. 🙂


    In reply to: Temporary Downtime.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
    • Replies: 1997
    • Total: 2107
    • ★★★★★★★

    Lost homes and balance? Post your username here to get them restored.

    To restore everything you had at the time. If you are feeling really helpful, press windows key, R, and type %appdata%. Find minecraft, then click it; find logs, click that. Then find the date you were online when this happened.  You’ll be able to see the chat logs for when ranks were lost, and you can therefore see who else was online at the time; you can then fill out the    for them; UUIDs, etc.


    In reply to: Player harassment

    • Topics: 5
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    • Total: 99
    • ★★★★

    “Also you didn’t mention a couple days ago when you blew up bigblueturret’s boat that you killed 3 deckhands for no reason MULTIPLE times over. I understand it’s just good pvp when your fighting bigblueturret but please next time leave the deckhands out of it.”

    Allidoisdig1234, your repetitive slander is a personal insult to me. You again have no facts to back up your claim of “3 deckhands for no reason MULTIPLE times over”. Who are these deckhands? I have one, Amymans72, and as explained above I killed him once. Who else? I know my player history doesnt show all recent kills but if I killed multiple people, multiple times you would think one would show up? Please fill me in on the names of the deckhands.


    And just for 100% certainty to prove that your a lieing piece, I have a 6 kill streak… The last time I died was before I blew up BBT ship by the hand of Ventura, 3 of these kills were “Elvis, Army and Rex” 1- 2 were MR. E as im sure he will back me up. and 1-2 kills I dont know the timing. It could have been “Lawl, or Cabela, “. or it could have been 2 deckhands once.. but it is impossible for me to repetitively kill people and not have it add to my killstreak.  So please stop your horrible attempt at trying to get me in “trouble” or what ever you are trying to do here.

    As well if you would prefer me to start threads about you being back abusing and setting homes at other bases for pvp and being abusive I can do that too… (Last time I checked you killed 500 deckhands multiple times with nothing but a watermellon in your hand, absolutley abusive) Give your head a shake.




    In reply to: Temporary Downtime.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Guys, if you plan on having a convo, use messages. Otherwise, don’t spam this important thread with:

    lol I was talking to 2 people at once. Deadpanguy I think or something like that but has deadpan in it. I was talking to him about his cannons on his boat which were the rusty sort, I kind of popped his bubble but I helped make a boat for him & a dock after his other one was stolen. In return he gave me some food & some iron blocks & joined my crew ?

    Try and stay on topic, the staff are doing all they can, as godsy has mentioned, he is away, and that limits what can be done on the staff side. Be patient.


    In reply to: Temporary Downtime.

    • Topics: 0
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    • Total: 8

    Btw, back on topic, do any of you high ranking very-clever-people know when the server is going to stop dying? Just wondering, sure you’r all working extremely hard. 🙂


    • Topics: 32
    • Replies: 84
    • Total: 116
    • ★★★★

    Cubigran (cubi) declares war on Reich (reich) for attacking and griefing allies. Currently there are no surrender conditions, unlike before when a chance was given to compensate for losses on    Prepare to be exterminated!

    • Topics: 33
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    • Total: 318
    • ★★★★★

    Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Governor of the Province of Canada


    In reply to: Temporary Downtime.

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    um ok PLEASE don’t ban me for answering back, but we Did tell people as soon as it happened. From the players point of view (i don’t know if it started earlier technically, I’m not a computer :)) it started straight after the restart at 12, exactly like <span class=”bbp-topic-started-by”>Bislo said on his post. He posted that post (</span><span class=”bbp-topic-started-by”>Ranks seem to have disappeared) minuets after it started because we all decided it was best to tell someone (obviously) and he was kind enough to do so. So, I don’t know if I’m missing something (I probably am) but i think we did tell people.

    P.s I REALY don’t meen to be rude, and thnx for helping to get it sorted, good luck guys!


    In reply to: Temporary Downtime.

    The Queen
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    I know that my /top and /back said it was not for my use anymore but that happened an hour before this happend


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: Todays the day!

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    got nightmares cause I looked up more about the topic and got some scarry shiz

    • Topics: 133
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    It quite literally says “posted 11 days ago” at the top, John :p

    It was actually the same exact post from a year ago XD if you look at the comments 1 is 11 months old lol

    Haha, this! I made a post on the exact same website in May. 😛

    PirateCraft PCGamesN

    Hats off to the PirateCraft server anyway, it deserves to be there in the rankings!

    • Topics: 42
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    It quite literally says “posted 11 days ago” at the top, John :p

    It was actually the same exact post from a year ago XD if you look at the comments 1 is 11 months old lol

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    I still find it absolutely amazing we were featured with all these top top servers, were nowhere even close to any of these giant servers, we have had a lot of amazing players come from this article! Tell you what, anyone that leaves a good review in the comments there about PirateCraft I’ll give a small special kit :)

    Already made mine.:D

    Hell yeah, I’m doing that too 😛

    • Topics: 794
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    Closed, any further discussion goes into the thread linked above.

    • Topics: 6
    • Replies: 105
    • Total: 111
    • ★★★★

    I still find it absolutely amazing we were featured with all these top top servers, were nowhere even close to any of these giant servers, we have had a lot of amazing players come from this article! Tell you what, anyone that leaves a good review in the comments there about PirateCraft I’ll give a small special kit :)

    Already made mine.:D

    JDM Cars are the best

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