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  • #23639

    In reply to: War Has Ended!

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    Im sorry but we will not be talking more with your terms, it’s been settled and have plans for Free lands.

    You could have stopped this entire thing from happening if you would have never betrayed your true friends.

    End Of.

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    • Topics: 82
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    • ★★★★★

    GodsDead will hate me for requesting these since I’ve bothered him before for these things but here goes nothing!
    #1 Can larger ships like Galleons, Manowars, and Indiamans be allowed to carry iron blocks? That way my dream can come true of making a large ship that has a submarine bay for small exploration or attack subs!

    #2 Activate primitive torpedoes for certain ship files like submarines or Indiamans that do as much dmg to builds as a cobblestone cannonball shot.

    #3 Enable collision damage for dhows that doesn’t do damage to surrounding terrain but gets rid of the ship XD.

    Also, this is a request for when cruising becomes the main way of traveling with ships but I’m not sure if you can do anything about these issues. #1 Allow for command control of the ships (cruise direction + cruise stop command) #2 This is a MAJOR BUG that I remember from when I used to cruise around in a ship. At one point something would go wrong and the chat would be filled up with “Error sign not found at location xx,yy,zz” … I’m not sure if this is still the case but I’m just warning you about it so you can keep an eye out for the problem.
    P.S. Tell me if you need any help testing.

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 5
    • Replies: 8
    • Total: 13



    I Closed this thread, that means stop talking in it.

    2. continuously arguing with me after my decision was made just added 24 hrs onto your ban.

    3 we dont do ban appeals here.

    4. if you disrespect me or any other member of staff again after the ban has finished, its a perm ban your on your final warning,


    Thanks for your time


    In reply to: Paris

    • Topics: 10
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    • Total: 274
    • ★★★★★

    @stingbarry if you don’t have anything nice to say then refrain from saying things that almost seem as if they are out of place from how touchy/serious this topic is people died

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Donators perk only.

    The developer changed how auto-sorting works with chests, Trapped chests no longer auto-sort, giving pirates an easy way to disable sorting for specific chests (or even all your chests, if you’re concerned about other players sorting them on open).


    A lot of donators are unaware they can /depositall in their chest rooms to quickly deposit their backpack into chests, all organized! (I’ll add this to the guide page now)

    /DepositAll finds nearby chests you can access and instantly deposits items from your backpack matching the items in each chest! (Doesn’t disturb your hotbar).

    Future Updates

    I asked the developer for a way to toggle the shift + right-clicking chests as I know it drives people crazy they cannot put blocks on top of chests as it auto deposits into them, waiting on his response.

    Edit: Updated Automatic inventory sorting guide

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    For the topic of improvements on ships, could there be a way to bring back large storage units back to ships? I know in the past we have crates that let people hold larger loads on board without making tons of single chests . I do not know or remember if they were turned back on, but I know a lot of people may like having more storage room then just single chests. Also I do want to point out one time I made some one a patch of Tequila and when it was on a ship and it moved a few blocks, the Tequila became invisibility potions. I think crates may keep this from happening, or players could get around using potions requiring more expensive resources. Tequila uses cactus and cactus is way cheaper than the recipe for invisibility potions, and the tequila turned into invisibility potions from a normal single chest.

    A merchant ship that can hold more chests? We cannot re-add crates, im not going over the 1000 reasons why, ive written about it before.

    a ship fully made of ire would be very cool and classy

    You could make an iron ship and fill it with wood! I dont think many people have enough iron blocks to make an iron block ship! let alone use it! they would be too scared to use it!

    @lawzoneon I think the reason gods wants to make a prismarine only sub, is because subs are quite op if you think about it.

    Would it be better to just add prismarine to the existing sub and then create a sub that can also be bigger?

    • Topics: 18
    • Replies: 58
    • Total: 76
    • ★★★

    For the topic of improvements on ships, could there be a way to bring back large storage units back to ships? I know in the past we have crates that let people hold larger loads on board without making tons of single chests . I do not know or remember if they were turned back on, but I know a lot of people may like having more storage room then just single chests. Also I do want to point out one time I made some one a patch of Tequila and when it was on  a ship and it moved a few blocks, the Tequila became invisibility potions. I think crates may keep this from happening, or players could get around using potions requiring more expensive resources. Tequila uses cactus and cactus is way cheaper than the recipe for invisibility potions, and the tequila turned into invisibility potions from a normal single chest.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    with the merchant ships, maybe have a villager on board that “controlls” the ship, and if he is killed in any way shape or form the ship is stopped where ever it is and ppl can loot it? ?

    You are asking for features that are not part of the plugin.

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Would it be possible to make the maximum block count on some ships slightly larger? Because some ship in real life are a bit bigger than how large we are allowed to make them. I am not asking for an insane increase on max/min size, just a little bit. Blocks on ships are usually taken up by decoration and fancy sails that make the ship seem more real and alive. Just an idea.

    No, this would break existing designs and the entire structure we have at present, if your ship needs to be bigger, then use a bigger ship?

    o, you could have a flat field of grass, and water underneath, and then have “ships” on top? It would enable the creation of tank like vehicles, turrets, and moveable cannons. You could even create giant games of chess!

    Movecraft is capable of land crafts, why don’t we have them? This is a pirate server, we are not adding tanks. We will be chaning all ships to use cruise as the main control, which is hands free, that’s the purpose of the update.

    Would it be possible to re-enable cruise signs? I know that they were enabled a while ago. I do not really know why they got disabled. Was there any particular reason for that?

    That’s the point of this update, ships will be moved to cruise as the main control.

    Would it be possible to get a sort of steamer type of ship? I dont know enough about plugins and coding to know if this would be a new feature or not, so if it is then just ignore this, but perhaps it could move forward automatically when the coal is put into the iron block and furnace “engine” until the coal runs out. There would have to be a stop and start sign of course, or perhaps it could just be a submarine with the cruise sign on it that does not go underwater, allows wooden ship type blocks to be used rather than the submarine type blocks and does not need a sail. My apologies if this is in fact a suggestion of a new feature in the plugin.

    Yes we currently use this on Submarines and on rafts, Im not sure if I ever released these to the server?


    • Topics: 44
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    • ★★★★★★

    with the merchant ships, maybe have a villager on board that “controlls” the ship, and if he is killed in any way shape or form the ship is stopped where ever it is and ppl can loot it? 😀


    • Topics: 50
    • Replies: 321
    • Total: 371
    • ★★★★★

    Would it be possible to get a sort of steamer type of ship? I dont know enough about plugins and coding to know if this would be a new feature or not, so if it is then just ignore this, but perhaps it could move forward automatically when the coal is put into the iron block and furnace “engine” until the coal runs out. There would have to be a stop and start sign of course, or perhaps it could just be a submarine with the cruise sign on it that does not go underwater, allows wooden ship type blocks to be used rather than the submarine type blocks and does not need a sail.

    My apologies if this is in fact a suggestion of a new feature in the plugin.


    Ex Prime Minister of the British Empire

    Crew History: TEE, Delta, Enigma, BE

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Perhaps a ship that doesn’t need someone to control it? So, you could have shipping lanes? I think this idea was explored in the past.

    Would it be possible to configure the plugin so certain ship types can have a block separating them from water? So, you could have a flat field of grass, and water underneath, and then have “ships” on top? It would enable the creation of tank like vehicles, turrets, and moveable cannons. You could even create giant games of chess!

    • Topics: 23
    • Replies: 225
    • Total: 248
    • ★★★★

    Well Elex i considered a little more maturity since i had great feedback over the last year when i was online and playing.
    And even though some people like Secondeath had the opportunity they did not destroy the maze.
    However after your post i figured that i can’t think of everyone as highly as of secon and therefore invested my remaining money in the neccesary claimblocks…there is no wall unclaimed in my dungeon now so this topic is propably closed now^^

    • Topics: 794
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    Bitching and whining, this is a pirate themed minecraft server, stop wasting my time, I will not spend an hour searching through logs to find out who laid that sign, this is outragious this post was created.

    get a backbone, fill the hole and claim your land.



    In reply to: draginblanc9000 Hax

    • Topics: 794
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    I can’t see any Hacking in this video, When someone uses a modded client to cheat they can hit form far away and auto attack. Since nothing seems fishy and it looks like any other PVP fight, its down to his gear, The sword he kills you with is named, usually named swords have some top-teir enhancements.

    Without solid proof nothing will happen, what you can do is give me an exact time and date in GMT timezone, then I can check the nocheat logs to see if theres any out of the ordinary activity logged.

    I can’t wait for better PVP in 1.9, This current spamming a sword system is horrid!

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