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  • #28690
    • Topics: 63
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    You’re right. Things have gotten out of hand. I am in dire times. But I cannot stop the war now. I have promised not to capitulate. There is only one way to stop this war without me seeming like an idiot.

    Paramount Leader of G.U.C.S and founder of Colrainism
    I can't stand vinegar

    • Topics: 18
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    This is exactly me. I supported his cause and then it was all about spreading his ideology and not about fighting for justice against bullies. You’re trying to create peace, using violence. People and crews should have the choice to subscribe to your ideology and not be forced like you tried with the BE; after all, isn’t that a democracy? I think its better for you and your followers if you stopped with you aggression and return to who you once were; a passionate and motivated man trying to make a change, peacefully.

    You would probably get aload more followers that way, anyway this is your descision; good luck, many people have stopped supporting your cause because of this war. @Kaiser.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

    • Topics: 7
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    Since I can’t seem to respond to Kaiser’s chats i will fight fire with fire, Bill of Rights sized essays to Bill of Rights sized essays, nah just kidding.

    @Kaiser This is to you.  At first I supported your cause, YEAH, teach the bad donators a lesson, YEAH, kick their butts, YEAH.  I was at first planning to personally donate some armor maybe supplies.  These donators did do “wrong”, they killed,raided made fake crews so they could have a group chat no one could see, you know the usual bored over-powered people(still smart and deadly).  Then everything stopped when you renamed yourself Kaiser (whaa?).  That told me one thing, power.  It spoke in your essays, accusations of non-democracy in BE a democratic and fair/peaceful crew, then declaring war on BE (???good luck???).  You wanted the power/control of having people know that you had an army that would enforce “peace” and “democracy” with overwhelming force.  Sadly the server is recognizing this and well are supporting the accused crews(BE, CoV), its obvious.  Your essays dissuaded the most helpful and prominent group in the server, neutral donators, you threw them flak for being a donator and well deckies can’t do much without gear and supplies, and PVP skillz too.  Your allies  support you halfheartedly and you don’t even have a base of operations.  I am not trying to dissuade you YEAH keep fighting but please don’t declare on everyone since they try to “separate the lower from higher class” since when???  There are boundaries between decky and carpenter and there is nothing you can do about it (except buy the rank, but that’s scruby).  These “higher” players are more experienced and have friends and supplies.  Also know that it is anyone choice to separate the deckies from the captains if the deckies leave then ok, but the deckies that stay are not oppressed, they CHOSE to stay, and also anyone can make any policy they want so don’t critisize them since they aren’t “democratic” or “fair to the lower class”, remember those two things.  To your war effort gl hf? (P.S If i took everything you have said and done wrong not my fault.  That is how a non-biased person(me) thought about what you did.)

    Also this is to the raiders(CoV) can you give this guy a chance to build a base so he can properly fight you and you can actually get some loot ‘stead of like a leather chest and 4 watermelon??

    Criticism is Advice, I Bring Criticism (You Can Quote Me On This)


    In reply to: BE Peace Treating

    • Topics: 32
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    Rohan is willing to give the British Empire a select amount of diamonds. Plus to top that we can give 10 swiftness potions

    Emperor of Rohan

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    I just recently received word from ToxicKingRS that the British empire has declared war on Verussia and this war has been going on for months. Rohan is willing to make a peace treating with the British empire to stop the war with the Verussian empire. Rohan will offer almost anything you request as a peace payment.


    Emperor of Rohan


    In reply to: Wolfheart and the SPQR

    • Topics: 50
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    @OdiwanKenobi i am not calling him a child, i said that going to war would be childish, and at present no wars have been started, it would be VERY childish to go to war with someone when a topic can easily be talked over, which i have offered, and will attempt to do right now, i appologize if my comment came off as calling him a child, he is not, his actions are very understandable and reasonable, but we need to discuss it,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲


    In reply to: Wolfheart and the SPQR

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    also @CrazyPirate1 the point i was trying to make was the BE was willing to fund our project, and i dont understand why the BE are backing Wolf up so heavily when i have talked with the current Prime Minister, and he does not seem very keen on this topic, Wolf was away for some time, we assumed that he’d left, and we built our boarders, we can adjust our boarders so it does not engulf his claim but thats all we can do,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲


    In reply to: Wolfheart and the SPQR

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    i sincerely appologize for my fellow consulate’s actions and behavior, he is the military consulate and has NO authority to force players out of land they rightfully own within our country (?), i suggest you be set up as a soveriegn state within our country (?) which is presently extremely well established and cannot be moved, the specifics of this negociation can be discussed in private chat in game or through this site.

    So, rather than making him move, your simply going to take all the land around him, declare it to be yours, and thereby limit his expansion? Tut tut.

    putting words in my mouth eh? might i remind you BE offered to make the SPQR one of its towns, i am saying we share the land so we dont have to have a gorydamn war,%20First%20Emperor.
    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

    ▲ ▲


    In reply to: Wolfheart and the SPQR

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    Once again, literally situation as the VE that I had. I don’t understand why some Empires believe they own the right to other people’s land. This is the problem with ‘invisible land boundaries’.

    Look HRE, he doesn’t want an independent state in your country, he doesn’t want compensation, he doesn’t want anything to do with you. As CrazyPirate already said, youre effectively taking the land around him.

    It’s like the USA saying to Canada: “hey, youre my neighbour, now be part of the USA and you will be the county of Canada, alright?”

    It’s not on.

    If anyone is curious of my situation 5 months ago, here is the old topic:

    It’s a dead topic, but if you read through it, its exactly the same situation. I remained firm, and VE backed off.

    « Build Team leader »
    « Server Admin »
    Crew History: Red Lotus, 0utlaws, Ottoman Empire, Xenon Empire, The Xanthian Order, The Asylum, Xenia


    In reply to: Wolfheart and the SPQR

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    Hmmm… It’s like building a house on an ancient Indian Bureal Ground. Ghosts Haunt you. Wind is much tougher than SPQR is at the moment. Even if it’s one person, they have ally’s with ally’s who have dogs XD. Even the statement sounds a bit stupid. Join us or leave. It sounds pretty, desperate? Anyway, I like SPQR but this statement is pathetic. I know he wasn’t aloud to say it and blah blah blah. But did you ever tell him specifically, you can’t say anything? I got in trouble for making a statement and you made a whole topic about how crappy I was. Work on your communication skills before any more statements like these come out.


    • Topics: 17
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    if the player has been banned do all of the top rules apply

    i find a way or i make a way wether you like it or not

    baron of the travasen land

    • Topics: 13
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    Within Paragraph 5: “We are unfair in attacking our enemies”…..

    Um… So how has Rep attacked her enemies differently to make the BE’s strategy of attack “unfair”? Or perhaps I have read it wrong, in that case: Hey we are allowed to attack people who tick us off day in and out. I’m sure Rep holds grudges too, so why can’t we?

    Also: this is way off topic but what does [Tags:] do?

    I... I've got nothing... Carry on.

    • Topics: 63
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    PirateCraft Articles


    BE’s Side of the Story…

    This is the story the news got from an anonymous source in the BE…

    4 months ago, the VE got us into a war, left us to fight it on our own, then, led by KingRS, tried to hire/twist people into betraying and destroying us.

    We found out, and stopped him, and both sides of the war agreed that he alone (not the wider VE) should be the target. 4 months down the line, we’re still at ”war” but, we let it slide, until RS, after months of silence, claims that the BE must apologise for spying on him.

    This sparks furious words from both sides, until we discover that we are technically still at war, so we realise we can take action against him. A weekend of raids ensures, and the VE is all but defeated. Note I say the VE at this point, as they all stood strong with RS and fought for him throughout.

    After one of the better raids, we discover that behind our backs, the EE has secretly been recruiting and merging with the VE. Now, we’re still at war with the VE/RS at this point, and the EE promised at the start of the conflict not to get involved. Yet, here we find them, grabbing members from an enemy behind our backs, offering them a way out, with their sights set clearly on the Verussian Continent.

    Rep spouts some drivel about ”moral duties” and how ”the LoN is betraying itself” because we believe that because the VE chose to fight with RS, and willingly accepted him as their leader for the past year, they are our enemies. Which logically, makes sense. But Rep goes and moans about how we are unfair in attacking our enemies, glossing over the fact he has gone against his promise not to get involved, and has been land/member grabbing/merging with our enemy from near enough the start.

    Needless to say, the BE are very annoyed. From the start, we have never wanted the VE to disband, we merely wanted them to appoint a new leader; but RS, unwilling to step down to us, would rather disband his crew. So, that is the true story, make of it as you will.




    SPQR is Recruiting!

    Need builders for Governers (run towns)
    Need strong leaders for ArchGoverners (run commonwealths of towns)
    Need strong leaders for Legionaries (lead legions of soldiers)
    Need good PVPers for soldiers

    Food and housing is free and a set of tools will be given to you upon your arrival in our fair Empire. /msg buckmaster1993 or chasedillion to join!

    Warp Advertisements:

    Buy and sell at warp trade! Rent a shop ranging from 50-150£ a month in rent and start your own venture. Contact Bislo1 for vacant shops.

    /Warp Trade, Turn Left for Gildor’s Essentials: The only shop with Custom Potions. ”We brew so you don’t have to.”


    Quote of the day: Cysteen once said: “Don’t poke an angry bear.”Cysteen, 2016

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

    • Topics: 67
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    There is no talks from within BE that the Verussian empire need to be disbanded, nor have I received any reports of innocent Verussians being killed, but as the VE and BE are technically still in war it is to be expected that Brits will attack Verussians on sight. The leaders of VE need to seek truce with Michty to stop these “killings of innocent” and take responsibility of their crew members, instead of waging a war they cannot win.

    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 63
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    PirateCraft Articles



    Ashikagan Embassy

    After just over a week of appearing on the server the Ashikagan Embassy has thrown itself into the fray, making many allies and enemies by doing so. As a member of CoV myself I found it very interesting how CoV was being placed as one of the main groups who ‘abuse’ their power. This along with the fact that we must be evil if we raid anyone that is lesser than a donator rank on the server. Now I would like to have a conversation in-game with the leader of the Ashikagan’s as I believe the original idea of the group had much merit in it. The forums are still lit up by the ‘Possible Final Speech’ by Kynan. Here is the original post:


    People of the Ashikagan Revolution and non-Ashikagans alike, read what I’m about to say.

    The CoV members increasingly uses their influence to create conflicts, intensify existing conflicts, and above all, to keep conflicts from being resolved peacefully.

    For weeks, these people looked for a dispute anywhere in the world, but preferably in Lower class lands where they can say that they’re going to help, then end up killing both sides. They do this so their members can divert attention away from their own confused domestic economic policies.

    Their actions against the Ashikagan Shogunate and especially the Revolution has been particularly blunt. Due to their reputation, they has given our revolution a bad name and has twisted it’s views for their own amusement and to stop the lower class from uprising. They threatened to, and attacked my fortress for no apparent reason other than my Revolution. As part of their steady and slowly growing campaign of depravity and degeneracy, their member, Cysteen, has made another insulting statement. After I say these words, she’ll try to cover it up the best she can, same with her buddies, but it’s the dead truth. ”Hun the only people who support you are brainless idiots.” We cannot allow this to go unnoticed. We now have to push our cause onto the server, which maybe a greater challenge, seeing as you can only have so much typing space.

    I may be banned by the time you read this. For reasons of ”Wishing ArtificialDemon would go to a concentration camp.” This is completely false! I joked about it, but they’ve twisted my words into something it’s not. If I do get banned, I want everyone with me to carry out my revolution.

    Starting when they first noticed my revolution, they began systematically and consciously to sabotage every possibility of a peace policy. In public, they hypocritically claimed to be interested in peace while at the same time they threatened my nation that had a different economic standing point. In this regard, they have used her Propaganda machine to it’s utmost extreme. My reputation is going downhill and some of my followers are starting to succumb to their Propaganda.

    This is a message to all of CoV, why must peace be such a difficult thing to wrap your head around? Is it fun knowing that I cannot defend myself and you continue to kill me, clad in God armour against a person with only some chain mail boots? Do you feel good about yourself knowing that you’re making yourself look strong by the ones that cannot be strong?

    These people increased their campaign of Depravity yesterday with a crippling attack on my fortress which was already in ruins. They have taken every measure to kill me, even if it’s low. Yet they call me the low one. These hypocrites deserve no pity from us. We don’t have to bow down and kneel to them.
    They’ve repeatedly claimed that other Crews were harbouring ‘Enemies’ of CoV, but it’s more of a quencher for their insecurity. They declare war on Nations that know that they can’t win.
    They call us foolish and idiotic, but they don’t understand these problems and don’t know what we feel, secondly, even if they did understand and appreciate our cause, they’ll still do the very things that this Revolution is against. They have no more right to concern herself with our affairs and has no right to make judgements on our resources. It’s their fault that it’s hard to keep resources. Contrary to a Missive rule that pops up every now and then, politeness and respect for others players is out of the picture. They are rude, disrespectful and spoiled. I think we need to stop this baby’s tantrum.

    They would not accept peace offerings, refused to dismiss things in the past, and even didn’t care who they killed. As if their allies would take care of it. But the coming days will be nothing but bloodshed. A classic war over good versus evil. There’s only one way to protect my lands, and that’s through Guerilla warfare. When the war is done, neither of our lands will be recognizable.

    Followers of my noble cause, I need five stacks of stone bricks and many, many lava buckets. I need to do this so I can defend myself.


    After this post came a response from Chamberlain who argued against Kynan…


    Food for thought… Instead of writing these posts whining, spend half the time around a grinder enchanting diamond or mining in dark tunnels. The problem I have always had is people who think they are entitled to what people already have. I am not a member of COV but understand that they are all considered wealthy because they built bases that cant be seiged and within their bases they have endless resources… how did they get like this? Through handy downs? NO… stop asking for the “wealthy” to give up goods and stop pvping. If no one killed and all there was is peace the server would not be a better place… there probably wouldn’t be a server because half, if not more would quit. Freeken protect yourself by building a bad ass base. When they come to you the balls in your court. Be prepared.

    In my opinion this battle has just begun and we will watch this latest act unfold…


    BE vs VE 

    Today I received some information from an anonymous source giving a follow up report for the VE’s sudden loss of it’s leader. Here is what was disclosed:


    BE are unhappy regarding ToxicKingRS and a few other VE members joining EE in seek of refuge in this war. Some members of the BE seem to want more than just overthrowing the VE government, and are now targeting innocent civilians of the VE, and some even want the entire VE disbanded, due to an incident that occurred 4 months ago with the VE betraying the LoN. The EE are not actively involved with attacking in this war, and so some BE leaders feel that the elves are betraying them, while EE remain firm saying ’they aim to keep peace, not disband an empire’.

    This seems to give us another piece to the puzzle as PirateCraft Articles tries to unravel this mystery. Also if anyone in BE would like to have their side of the story told on this issue please pm me.



    Elven Forest BURNED!

    Today I logged on to hear from Lithvather that a giant portion of the Elven forest was burned sometime during last night. This as you may expect was very surprising to me, and I checked the live map just to be sure. As soon as I did I saw that what Lith had been telling me was most certainly true, almost 45% or more of the forest had been burned. The culprit of this heinous crime has yet to be named. Anyone who have seen or heard anything about who this could be please contact the news and the Elven authorities…





    SPQR is Recruiting!

    Need builders for Governers (run towns)
    Need strong leaders for ArchGoverners (run commonwealths of towns)
    Need strong leaders for Legionaries (lead legions of soldiers)
    Need good PVPers for soldiers

    Food and housing is free and a set of tools will be given to you upon your arrival in our fair Empire. /msg buckmaster1993 or chasedillion to join!

    Warp Advertisements:

    Buy and sell at warp trade! Rent a shop ranging from 50-150£ a month in rent and start your own venture. Contact Bislo1 for vacant shops.

    /Warp Trade, Turn Left for Gildor’s Essentials: The only shop with Custom Potions. ”We brew so you don’t have to.”


    Quote of the day: Lawvinsmoke once said: “Lol just when I thought please someone put a bounty on him.” Lawvinsmoke, 2016

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    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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