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  • #34011
    • Topics: 14
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    I think several of us owe @PaulOnFire an apology. He intended to open a dialog about an issue that has been a source of confusion in the past. I believe some of you either did not read, miss-read, or miss-interpreted his post and/or replies. I know the topic itself to be the cause of this, not anything Paul said. It’s been a very hotly discussed topic for a long time.

    He stood tall above it all, and I admire him for that.

    So, Paul, You have both my respect and my sincerest apologies for how this community has treated you and your intended discussion over the past several days.

    Please show your support for this extremely valuable staff member. I know many of you are not aware of all that he does for us; however, know that we would not be the server we are today or tomorrow without him.

    "Life is not fair; get used to it."
    - Bill Gates

    • Topics: 11
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    Crazy in the comment all i am saying is that there are ways to still get back with are not in violation of the rules. this was brought up by a admin you can tpa to a follow raider or crew member. this is so people can understand to not yell out he /backed.

    Also you should read this new forum post by the admin staff on this issue.

    FINAL RULING on uses of /back

    we have moved on from this issue and i have offered to make a new forum post for all of us to talk about this on. But you still seems to want to keep going at this. so i will end it for you.

    Have a good day.



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    Paul i am not here to fight with anyone. we all talked about what we think. the rules posted by gods needed to be posted no one disagrees with that. Now as players yes it would be nice for the PVPers and the PVEers to sit down and talk and find a common ground on this issue. i would suggest we make a new forum topic and work together on this.


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    so you nagging about this because you dont want this to be a PVP server did nothing but annoy the PVPers.
    Good day sir and Happy Hunting
    PS i would lock your chest asap

    My chests have always been locked with stone bricks since I first joined the server, thank you very much. I’m not new to PirateCraft.

    That question was asked because I am seeking dialogue between BOTH sides. The PvPers and the non-PvPers. Everyone has a right to their opinion, and I feel the PvPers aren’t being properly represented in this discussion. I want to succeed in making the server a better place for everyone.

    Time and time again I have stated that I WANT PvP to thrive on this server, so your assumption that I desire some kind of hippie paradise is misplaced and incorrect. If that was the case I wouldn’t have chosen this server as my Minecraft home. Yes people will get annoyed, that is to be expected. But as an intelligent species we have the ability get over our disagreements and work towards something better.

    I am disappointed that you seem unwilling to discuss this topic in a serious manner, your previous comments lead me to believe you were prepared to also bring something constructive to the table. I hope you still intend to and only let your frustration get away with you.

    • Topics: 11
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    Souldin, what a nasty attitude. I don’t know if it’s the threatening of Paul, the rudeness towards him and others, or just the fact that you openly state that you and your crew is actively making use of ways to get a /back like mechanic to work to your advantage.. I mean, how the heck does that make you the best crew on the server? To know how to surprise-attack someone and steal their stuff? It makes you good at raiding unsuspecting victims, but sure doesn’t make your crew the best at all in my opinion. It doesn’t make you good at PVP either really.. Although I do know that CoV has some of the best PVP’ers, this little trick you are talking about has nothing to do with it.. Killing someone in iron gear whilst you being fully decked has nothing to do with true PVP skill.. it’s an unfair fight, meaning the “hunter” obviously is looking for an easy kill.. I mean, 80-90% of your kills are probably surprise attacks where the opponents haven’t even had the chance to gear up to god with potions and stuff, just like you yourself is equipped with. If they were, then we can talk about a fair PVP fight and should you win it, then I will applaud you for your skill. I’m not saying you should fight like this at all.. But if you claim to be the best at PVP, then you should also fight people who is equally equipped as yourself and not kill half enchanted diamond guys. That does not make you the best, that makes you the one with the best resources to win the battle. And as far as to claim you are the best because you know how to get to Paul without using /back, that’s just complete horse poo really.. anyone can sneak up on someone, set a home or tp in their mates in order to gain an advantage over the unsuspecting builderboy with no decent armor on, or fighting gear, because he knows you guys are lurking in the shadows and he just want to build, so he is only protecting himself from the wildlife and not you, meaning he is not even expecting to fight you, because he knows you are coming in far superior, so no matter what the fight is lost anyway.. I don’t know what it is with you Souldin, I’ve seen you write on the forums here and there the past month or so now, I have seen some salty yet very bold comments coming from you, but I can truly say now that I think your arrogance has reached the high heavens, and I’m sorry to say, but it’s just annoying and I plead you to put action behind your arrogant display, or just leave the conversation altogether. Paul is simply asking for suggestions how to better the gameplay for everyone incl. yourself, so stop with this “I’m the best of the server, stop annoying me because now I’m coming for you!” crap, please..

    As you can see at the end of what you just wrote. you put Stop annoying me because now im coming for you.

    so do not say you did not say something you did say.


    • Topics: 11
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    as you can see here at the end of what you wrote. you put. stop annoying me because now im coming for you.

    So do not say you did not say something you did say.


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    • Topics: 67
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    Ugh, another one of those.. All you want is to make enemies I see, I’ve not once told you I am coming for you, but please do visit.. I’ll have some tea ready for you.

    Also, No one in this conversation is wanting a PVE server, It would be so boring.. But its also boring if you equip the best gear of the server and fight a peasant.. There’s no challenge in this AT ALL? please understand that I’m not trying to limit your experience, but when you say you are the best PVP’er of the server whilst hitting on a iron boy, talking a walk with your Diamond V Sword EaterOfSOULZZZ!! fully decked, with 64 Gapples or whatever the best potions is nowadays or some shit like that.. that’s not you being the best.. That’s just you robbing someone… That has nothing to do with PVP skill.. That’s what I’m trying to tell you, so stop claiming you are the best because of ít.

    I have no issue with you making my life on the server hell, because I’ve lived with dudes like you for the two years I’ve played here.. so no sweat, do come.. I hope you fall in my traps tho 😉

    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 67
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    Souldin, what a nasty attitude.

    I don’t know if it’s the threatening of Paul, the rudeness towards him and others, or just the fact that you openly state that you and your crew is actively making use of ways to get a /back like mechanic to work to your advantage.. I mean, how the heck does that make you the best crew on the server? To know how to surprise-attack someone and steal their stuff? It makes you good at raiding unsuspecting victims, but sure doesn’t make your crew the best at all in my opinion. It doesn’t make you good at PVP either really.. Although I do know that CoV has some of the best PVP’ers, this little trick you are talking about has nothing to do with it.. Killing someone in iron gear whilst you being fully decked has nothing to do with true PVP skill.. it’s an unfair fight, meaning the “hunter” obviously is looking for an easy kill.. I mean, 80-90% of your kills are probably surprise attacks where the opponents haven’t even had the chance to gear up to god with potions and stuff, just like you yourself is equipped with. If they were, then we can talk about a fair PVP fight and should you win it, then I will applaud you for your skill. I’m not saying you should fight like this at all.. But if you claim to be the best at PVP, then you should also fight people who is equally equipped as yourself and not kill half enchanted diamond guys. That does not make you the best, that makes you the one with the best resources to win the battle.

    And as far as to claim you are the best because you know how to get to Paul without using /back, that’s just complete horse poo really.. anyone can sneak up on someone, set a home or tp in their mates in order to gain an advantage over the unsuspecting builderboy with no decent armor on, or fighting gear, because he knows you guys are lurking in the shadows and he just want to build, so he is only protecting himself from the wildlife and not you, meaning he is not even expecting to fight you, because he knows you are coming in far superior, so no matter what the fight is lost anyway..

    I don’t know what it is with you Souldin, I’ve seen you write on the forums here and there the past month or so now, I have seen some salty yet very bold comments coming from you, but I can truly say now that I think your arrogance has reached the high heavens, and I’m sorry to say, but it’s just annoying and I plead you to put action behind your arrogant display, or just leave the conversation altogether. Paul is simply asking for suggestions how to better the gameplay for everyone incl. yourself, so stop with this “I’m the best of the server, stop annoying me because now I’m coming for you!” crap, please..


    Founder of Port Hope

    • Topics: 794
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    Will the current map be expanded, and if so when?

    From the 1.9 mater-thread

    Will the map Expand?

    Again, there is no terrain changes, but I do plan on expanding the map, we have a tradition of expanding the map at each major upgrade in MC version.

    Our current overworld border is set to 7000 from spawn, Im considering pumping this to 10,000. With expansion comes greater world sizes, which means greater backups, which all adds up, so I may have to bump it over time to see what space it takes up.

    But don’t sweat this, as Very future plans include another world to be added (Not up for discussion in this thread)

    If I expand from 7000 blocks to 10,000 blocks radius from spawn, it will look absolutely minuscule on the live map, If you are expecting me to double the size of the map, you will be very disappointed. I made this mistake with earlier versions of the server, and then terrain changes happened and we had no room for expansion. So I could expand to what I want to expand to, but it wont make much difference at all that is visible from the map and people will be like, “what’s the point”. Bigger map, bigger backups are also to be kept in mind.

    At present, no Im not planning on expanding the map, as I don’t think the expansion I would be happy with, the community would even validate as an expansion. I may do a before and after graphic from the map to demonstrate this visually. I do want to add new world to trial though.

    Will you ever do a world wide event (something like no tp, special mobs spawning, x2 amount of claim blocks per min or even a treasure hunt)

    We have done all these things in the past (Minus no TP) Keep an eye on the forums for events.

    Q1: Is there going to be a way to obtain more elytra then the few that spawned on the end ships? If so, how is that going to be and when do you approximate it will be implemented? Q2: What specific behavior is considered /back abuse and what is with the accordance to the rules?

    From the 1.9 master-thread

    Elytra Wings?

    Im not sure how we are going to deal with these yet, obviously if they are only generated in The End in the “End Ships” we are going to have to figure out another really hard way to obtain them, im sure there will be a flood on plugins to deal with this issue on servers.

    There have been a lot of ideas, Im still unsettled on a method, I think it will boil down to these two outcomes:

    • Selling at £10,000 in-game currency at the cove
    • Special rare drops for some custom mobs we have in mind for the future, really rare, they have to be rare.

    This /back abuse question is not a simple yes/no answer, and is a very bad question for this FAQ, I have answered in detail on PauLOnFire’s /back thread. Warning this is a very long, thought out reply, please do me the courtesy of reading it in detail, as I put time into writing it.

    Why do we keep banned players’ claims?

    1. We don’t, not all of them.
    2. It takes time and effort to go around and remove claims and regenerate claims.
    3. They are kept for history of the server, they may be a banned player for being an asshole, but that does not mean they were never part of the server
    4. You are only asking this because you want the opportunity to loot a banned players base, that is a different question that you did not ask.
      1. No you can not have special dibs on stealing a banned players loot.
    • Topics: 794
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    I have been meaning to reply to this thread, but haven’t had the time it would take to write the post, lets see if I can get my view across on /back, sorry @mcshovel reopening it!

    Lets just start with the technical & background, /back is a command via the Essentails plugin,

    “Returns you to your last position from a prior teleport.”

    Back is actually split into 2 permissions, both are given to Captains; The first is the use of back, the second is being able to use back on death.

    /back was introduced before we even had 1 donator, it was added out of the fury of being on a long trek, falling down a crevasse and loosing everything from your mining trip. It was initially added with not a thought about PVP, the server didn’t have more than 10 people to fight when it was added, and most people we’re interested in building than fighting, it was added as a perk to assist in building and moving around materials for the 10 people that played piratecraft at the time. /back was intended for the EXACT reason @PaulOnFire has stated in his initial post:

    Today is a prime example. I’ve been working on server infrastructure during the past few days, such as a currently 2’000 block long road network in the north and a free fully automated wheat farm for deckies near spawn.

    I have shyed away from giving a direct “rule” to back in the past, as it is difficult to police as a mod with all the ridiculous drama that goes with each report, we do not have the time or patience for drama. So since I have been pushed for a rule:

    /back was never intended to be used for PVP, it shouldn’t be used in PVP, its completely unfair, and even worse off in a crew (That we didn’t have when back was added)

    This didn’t have a separate rule, as this falls under Rule 1 & Rule 9, its obvious it should not be abused in PVP.

    As I have said many times, anyone that abuses back will have it permanently removed from them, its possible to remove back from offenders, but you need solid video proof, not just a text/screenshot post.

    using @mcshovel list of “can I use back in this situation” I will give my best answer, the ISSUE is that once a written list is given, people will attempt to “fight” their abuse of /back by saying “Well it says on this list im allowed to do it”. This is exactly where there has never been a list of yes/no before.

    1. /back is allowed to get your inventory back from a PVE (Player Vs Environment) situation, falling down a hole or a creeper taking you out, that is the point of /back, NOT to get your gear back from loosing a PVP fight.
    2. /back is not allowed to re-equip and go back to fight
    3. /back is not allowed to be used after a PvP death?
      1. Context is key, for examples after 5 mins, it could be used to see if any items were left from the fight, its not here to go back to antagonise or get revenge.
    4. /back is not allowed to be used to get back into someone’s base?
      1. You would have been teleported into their base in the first place? Then the issue isn’t with back its with /tpahere
    5. /back is not allowed to be used to return to a previous location for raiding
    6. /back is not allowed to be used to ‘camp’ a location

    To sum up /back was intended for PvE deaths, without PVP in mind.

    Why hasn’t back been removed then?

    1. its not back, its teleporting in general, if you remove back then you can still tpahere and sethome, these can both be used to replace back very easily, removing /back only will make other mechanics be abused, so its either remove ALL teleporting or keep it as it stands.
    2. OK why not remove back just on death /back then? You didn’t read did you? Its purpose is for retrieving items lost on a PvE death, its a perk to save your inventory and XP, unless you jumped in lava like a pleb.
    3. A lot of people donate just for the use of /back its extremely handy for many situations apart from PVP
    4. It is just the PVPers that abuse back, those mostly in crews, maybe crews need blocked commands?

    How do we fix this?

    1. I came up with an idea; A second PVP timer, but one for disabled commands;
      So you have the first one that tags you in pvp for 15 seconds, this disables the use of commands, but this isnt long enough. I cant increase the PVP timer much, but what would be fantastic is if we had a SECOND timer, that lasted for 2-5 mins that allowed me to block specific commands, in this case /back, “you cant use back since you have been tagged in PVP in the last 2-5mins“. Even if you die.
      This needs to be implemented by our PVP manager developer, how do you like this idea?
    2. Block the use of /back if you are in a crew, since these are the people that are abusing it.
    3. warnings need to be given out by staff at every single report of back abuse, these add up and will result in action.

    /back is one of these legacy features that I wish I never added, like player owned warps, we managed to phase those out, maybe we can find an alternative to /back.

    me and you are both on the same page about all of this, I have written before what you have have here, just nobody listened!

    I don’t want to spill fuel on the fire, but it really grinds my gears when people don’t read posts properly. I am in NO WAY complaining about PvP in general. In the past I have even ADVOCATED NOT having PvP-free areas. Heck, I’ve even defended warp killers before. PirateCraft needs PvP, but it also needs to promote co-existence so everyone can enjoy the game. PvPers and non-PvPers alike are both guilty of being inconsiderate spam fritters more often than not. -o- Many PvPers constantly belittle anyone who stands up against rotten behaviour and dismiss serious issues as whining “because it’s a PvP server, lulz.” This lazy attitude stinks to high heaven and needs to be addressed pronto. -o- Many non-PvPers think that because they don’t like PvPing they have the right not to be raided or injured in any shape or form. Any form of conflict instantly becomes a harassment case of diva-like proportions. Well, PvPers come to this server to be pirates, and pirates need fodder. If you want to be untouchable, work to become untouchable! Sooooo, hurrah for drama. I guess I’ve managed to let off some steam now… No offence intended towards anyone in particular. I’d appreciate some constructive thoughts and opinions on how to address the topic at hand.

    Im with you 100%, it drives me insane, I know that now ive put in 45 mins to write this post and I know I will get a moronic 1 sentence reply from someone that hasn’t read this properly, I know this as I have written this in detail before! Paul im with you, were on the same wavelength. Theres all this fuss with “PVP” and people still do not understand that minecraft is so extremely buggy, PVP isn’t going to be good, its that simple, the game itself still feels like its in alpha, it was never created properly from the ground up, and it was created by novices. PVP in general will always suck one way or another, people do not understand its a flawed mechanic of minecraft that once you get to a point where you have everything you are invincible, and add in a way to store your items so that they cant be touched, means you can never be touched.

    I feel like I should pin that general PVP rant Paul, because ive been saying it since day one, you cant have the best of both worlds, what we have here is actually quite balanced, people are just blind to their bias way of playing. I can see this as I don’t play either role.

    • Topics: 11
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    So i do see your point and i have said this. The issue i am having is you are saying that if you use /back for anything other then PVE you will get a ban or warning and that is not the case. as for your 2 links the ONLY thing done was a warning from gods because of how many time they /backed not because of how he used /back. On top of all this once again a ADMIN has posted to this forum post with NO RULES written down or saying you cannot do it. but you still do not accept that a admin has said this. you go on to say you will be banned for this issue and not you use /back. If someone is being a ass and does /back – back to back that is one thing. but for you to sit here and day you cannot use it, that is the issue. you are also posting RULES that are not written down anywhere. Rule 7 says not to abuse game mechanics, but at the same time it does not say when abuse starts, that can be after 2 times or 20 times. YOU ARE NOT A ADMIN, YOU ARE NOT THE GAME OWNER. stop policing the game and move on.


    <span style=”line-height: 24px;”>

    Ok, so let me start with what I’ve heard from various sources… Keep in mind I hear this mostly from players, NOT from staff… 1. /back is not allowed to get your stuff back 2. /back is not allowed to re-equip and go back to fight 3. /back is not allowed to be used after a PvP death 4. /back is not allowed to be used to get back into someone’s base 5. /back is not allowed to be used to return to a previous location for raiding 6. /back is not allowed to be used to ‘camp’ a location 7. /back is not allowed unless you die to PvE 8. /back is not allowed … (insert stupid rule here) … I’m an admin, and I can’t define /back abuse. Suffice it to say we seem unable to agree on a definition of /back abuse.



    Crazy Pirate
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    That is not the issue. the issue is you are telling people you cannot use /back unless its for PVE. you are wrong yes SOME admins say you cannot do /back to get your stuff its a ass thing to do. but the other stuff you post about /back is in no way a written rule.

    I refer you to the following thread, where the server owner himself punished someone for constant abuse of /back. I also direct you, if you have time, to the case of BensterPC for more details on /back abuse. It is a thing, it is done by many players, and it is punished and enforced by staff.

    Report: MinecraftDuo10

    Where he was given a warning for /back abuse.

    Where he was given a 3 day ban for /back abuse.


    I’ll find more examples if you wish, but it’s crystal clear that /back abuse is against the rules, and those who do it are held accountable for their actions by staff.

    Move on.

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Crazy Pirate, what you said. you”ll find that using /back to enter into a fight or pick up your items after dying in a sight is punishable and against the rules, hence the “use common sense rule” that is wrong that rule has nothing to do with /back as it is a donation option. You and everyone else need to stop making rules up on this server. you need to move on past this, this has been a post many many times and the same out come every time.

    Enquire with the staff, and you’ll find out that using /back after a fight has finished and you have died, to return to the fight or retrieve items is punishable. Go on, I dare you.

    • Topics: 11
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    Crazy Pirate,

    what you said.

    you”ll find that using /back to enter into a fight or pick up your items after dying in a sight is punishable and against the rules, hence the “use common sense rule”

    that is wrong that rule has nothing to do with /back as it is a donation option.

    You and everyone else need to stop making rules up on this server.

    you need to move on past this, this has been a post many many times and the same out come every time.


    • Topics: 15
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    I just created this topic to fill in the gaps of my understanding of mending. I have A LOT of almost broken sets that are expensive to repair.. if I could put mending on that piece of armour and I did.. would there be any repercussions, such as the piece of armour being too expensive for my XP bottles to repair?

    +-+ Templar - Squire +-+

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