Search Results for 'Chailey'

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  • #7901

    In reply to: Minecraft Name Changes

    • Topics: 63
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    I may get rid of the “Official” in my name. Provided “Chailey” is free, of course…

    • Topics: 794
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    @PaulOnFire Dock 1

    @ChaileyOfficial Dock 6

    Dock 9

    Thats all docks full!

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    Type of ship: schooner

    Builder(s) username: ChaileyOfficial

    Estimate time for building: 1 week? (I’ve got very limited time to spend on the server at the moment)

    /getpos of already built ship(s): N/A

    Edit: I call dibs on The Poinsettia :3


    In reply to: Rudeness and Trolling

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    Clay, swearing is swearing. It does not matter AT ALL if you are angry or not.
    You stick to the rules or face the consequences of not doing so, it’s that easy!

    You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to defend yourself in this.
    We are not stupid, Clay, everyone on Earth knows a line of asterisks equals a swear word of some sort. Don’t try making us believe you actually meant Chailey was a ‘******’.

    It’s only a game, people! Grow up and bloody act like a decent human being!


    In reply to: Rudeness and Trolling

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    Beware… ThytonMaximus is my friend. I back him up ALL the way on what he said. And sorry Ma_c_hi, if I called

    ChaileyOfficial a *******, but you realize I was mad, and plus that I didn’t actually swear, I just put down a bunch of asterisks.

    Sincerely, ClayCraft2000


    In reply to: Ships And Embassies

    Crazy Pirate
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    Lol, Tim, Me, PiratesPebble, Skjks, Chailey (I think) and a few others. Mainly, you just submit your town, and join. Its a group of towns with common aims, which means its easy to expand. You stay as governor, and other towns have no say in how you are governed. Also, Tim, what colours?

    • Topics: 82
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    Chailey you can just ask me in game or send me a message through the Group website contact page 😀

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 18
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    • Total: 109
    • ★★★★


    i completely understand lol! It’s just wog is my good friend and for athen to go on a killing spree and kill wog by suprise, oh no there is a war gonna happen. Athenmos messed with the wrong people, lol athen is so dumb he doesn’t even know how many allies wog has to rally up with him LOL

    we will avenge your death


    In reply to: Unic0rnjunk101

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    <Unic0rnjunk101 is a bully. There is no way around it , there is no way through it, and knowing you, Gods as well as I think I do I am surprised he hasn’t been banned yet. He pushes people around just because he can. Sure a raid every know and then is an expectancy here and there, but when someone starts pushing people around on your server just because they can, I think that’s a problem, a very serious problem. If I want, and If I had the money, I would press charges against him for cyber bullying, which is illegal in the state of NJ. This man is pushing people around, just because he can, because it makes him feel good. Let me repeat that, he is oppressing/killing/etc. other people just because he has the power to do so. Not because he needs resources, not to encourage the pvp portion of the server, but just because he can. And me and Chailey are just 2 cases out of whoever knows how many. This person is harassing your players, but you let it go on.

    just because he can. I think that one man’s enjoyment should not mean the taking away of everyone else’s. This is a beautiful server Gods, I love it with every inch of my heart. But nobody can enjoy it as long as this tyranny goes on. You said you would talk to him: that’s a great start.


    Here are some pictures of Uni repeatedly killing me etc. just because he can. Sure; kill me once take my stuff that’s all good. No need to hang around and kill me another 43 times just because its your idea of “fun”.  And if the administrative staff doesn’t see this as a problem, I wonder just how mature they are; allowing bullies to go around terrorizing people. Also in Picture 8 of the Imgur link, the assailant even admits that this makes him happy. How horrible is that..




    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15


    In reply to: QUEEN CONTEST

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    King Chailey does have a ring to it


    In reply to: QUEEN CONTEST

    Crazy Pirate
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    I change my vote to chailey! Chailey, you are king! Now, the diamond….

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    captain is more than powerful enough, we dont want pay to win, and i dont want people being intimidated by the invincable people just because they have money to throw at the game.

    you can already buy money, and buying claim blocks and then selling the claim blocks gets you money too.


    and also, echoing chailey, once again. we use the buycraft free version, meaning we are limitied to our packages and feel we have used them as best as we can currently.

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Oke, so, I will be leaving for the weekend, and Ill be returning after the deadline. Gods, the ship was finished today, at 2:22 PM EST, The 29th of Aug. 2014, with ChaileyOfficial, and Sabeeh2012 as witnesses. So, Gods, there is a double chest in the lower deck, all the way in the back, that youll need to break when sailing it to Cove, also, Ive trusted you for the sole purpose of driving my ship to cove. The ship size is Indiaman! Ill be leaving today, and Idk when Ill be able to reply next.. so bai and gl to everyone! PS: Gods please dont pirate it, or allow anyone anywhere near it until its safe again at Cove.. thanks a bunch!

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    You piece of fucking shit. Thats all I have to say to you, you are a piece of shit, and you will never amount to anything more then shiting on other people, because thats all you can do in your shit life. First you steal my ship because I helped Chailey build a base 2 fucking months ago, now you burn my ship for god knows what other reason! Wth is wrong with you!? Why do you enjoy destroying everything I make!? Well, FUCK YOU!

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15


    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

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    Chailey found a treasure map in the Oldenburgh Town Hall…
    “How long do you expect me to take before I find it?”

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