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  • #9458

    Topic: Weekly updates

    in group forum Virgin Islands
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    [Update on the 22nd of February 2015]

    This is the first weekly update I’m posting as the Governor of the Virgin Islands. It’s been quite a busy week! I’ve been working on the first residency of the islands, and its exterior is nearly finished. The initial use of the build will be a home for the Governor until a more suitable abode is built:

    The Governor of Canda, Michal_Tyrlik, also paid us a visit to see how development was going. Being allies, I allowed the visit:

    Being the gentleman that he is, Mr. Tyrlik then offered me the opportunity to go and visit Canada. I enthusiastically accepted, and he gave me a quick tour. From what I can tell, it’s a very nice settlement with a lot of potential. I’m sure that Michal will develop it to its full potential:

    In terms of my plans for the coming week, I would like to have the exterior of the residency finished, as well as have started on the interior. I have also found a location that I feel would be ideal for some docks, meaning that I may even start work on them, allowing fellow Governors as well as allies to visit. Until my next update, may the world treat you well. I hope to see some of you in-game over the coming week, too.


    Governor Chailey

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    Hello! As your new Governor, I’d like to know what you want to see in a settlement! So, this topic is open for any ideas, which will be carefully considered. Leave your ideas as comments or /mail me (Chailey). I’ll review all ideas over time, and will try to act in the best interests of the people. Before any ideas actually get implemented, though, we need some land to call our own. If anyone knows of a group of islands, or maybe even just one larger island that we can claim as The Virgin Islands, let me know.

    Thank you,

    Governor Chailey of the Virgin Islands

    [Update 1 – 15th February 2015] – We now have land! I have managed to claim 18,974 blocks in the north of the world, very close to Port Vernesse and quite close to Karjat. Building will commence once I have designed the first building in my single player world.

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    @Azuries @ChaileyOfficial can one of you get him to go on and check then post here? Im glad this is sorted for you two, nobody else has posted so im guessing its fixed.

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    @ravenfalls & @ChaileyOfficial It fixed it!? All I did was update the plugin, so its been broken for this long, jeeze! I wonder if more people will get more claim blocks?

    Do you have contact information for CJ?

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    I just updated GriefPrevention to a build that changes claim blocks, can @ChaileyOfficial & @ravenfalls please check to see if this changed anything.

    Also @ChaileyOfficial Please post a screenshot 🙂

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    Scanning the log for playerdata that did not convert, chaileyofficial was in the list raven was not

    [21:30:25] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: Unable to convert player data for xxbluflamewolfxx.  Skipping.
    [21:30:25] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: Duplicate entry ’75af9a4c-8f61-459f-8f12-db9023404ae7′ for key ‘PRIMARY’
    [21:30:27] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: Unable to convert player data for odulfus322.  Skipping.
    [21:30:27] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: Duplicate entry ‘adb3a2fa-17c8-4f31-9540-a7f310056b67’ for key ‘PRIMARY’
    [21:30:35] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: Unable to convert player data for wardovah.  Skipping.
    [21:30:35] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: Duplicate entry ‘30501ad0-77b5-4f15-978f-f4e86d408d10’ for key ‘PRIMARY’
    [21:30:36] [User Authenticator #2/INFO]: UUID of player LazoTeSmazo is 11bbf023-5841-47e7-809a-cb904fb8a2ef
    [21:30:47] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: Unable to convert player data for chaileyofficial.  Skipping.
    [21:30:47] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: Duplicate entry ‘c3fbd28f-80f3-4060-aa09-029d919bb905’ for key ‘PRIMARY’
    [21:30:52] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: Unable to convert player data for o_daxton_o.  Skipping.
    [21:30:52] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: Duplicate entry ‘262b1148-324e-4f40-8ea3-6a89d7b30425’ for key ‘PRIMARY’
    [21:30:53] [Server thread/INFO]: GriefPrevention: This owner name did not convert to a UUID: MKreiser.

    What I can do, is compare the old database to the new one and update the record manually, but again you need to give me time for when I can do this.

    If you can tell anyone that has a negative claim blocks to reply to this forum so that I can do them manually.

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    There will be lots of glitches and problems to iron out as people play more, we have a playerbase of 20,000 and like I have said 10000000000000 times, the GriefPrevention (Your claims and claimblocks) conversion is terrible, The majority of people converted, but there are some I need to go through, you need to be patient and give me time, I had to sleep last night and didnt want to read through a 100,000 line log.

    I didn’t even do this conversion at home with all my tools available,  and I wont have the tools I need until tonight, but I do have things IRL that I need to do, so again please be patient.

    @ChaileyOfficial Im assuming this is because you name changed too early, so you would have 2 separate accounts both trying to get a UUID, you will have to WAIT again until I have time to try and figure this out, again I did mention how annoyed I would be if people name-changed early.

    Can you be more specific on “PVP tag yourself”

    Read above about the conversion.

    Again this is a brand new GriefPrevention, its got a brand new spam system, your going to have to explain what happens, what do you mean it activates for everyone? Do you mean that when someone sets off the spam filter it does something to everyone?



    In reply to: Voting

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    I agree with @TimHuisman, @ChaileyOfficial, and @ravenfalls. (Also, definite ‘Nay’, if it came to it, which I extremely doubt)

    Loves to build neat creations, plunder on the open seas, and using correct grammar


    In reply to: Name Change

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    Well… I’ve just been on the server, and found that everything got wiped… @Markusi13 said I shouldn’t have connected, but in my defence, @GodsDead said he added his solution last night, and

    No sweat @ChaileyOfficial, you can act as my guinea pig to report what happens, I have no idea what will happen. Im very ill at present so this is very bad timing, I was under the assumption it was on the 8th for some reason. I can manually change your username on the website.

    Nothing got wiped, you changed your username so it thinks you are a new player, obviosuly.

    Try something for me @ChaileyOfficial, Log in again, Im curious. I added a manual entry into the database for your UUID, right now would be good as im available and online.


    In reply to: Name Change

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    Well… I’ve just been on the server, and found that everything got wiped… @Markusi13 said I shouldn’t have connected, but in my defence, @GodsDead said he added his solution last night, and

    No sweat @ChaileyOfficial, you can act as my guinea pig to report what happens, I have no idea what will happen. Im very ill at present so this is very bad timing, I was under the assumption it was on the 8th for some reason. I can manually change your username on the website.


    In reply to: Name Change

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    <p> @GodsDead I’d like to apologise. I’ve not been on the server since I’ve changed my name, so will check everything works tonight. Sorry :( – Also, is there a way to change my Minecraft username on the website, or should I make a new account?</p>

    No sweat @ChaileyOfficial, you can act as my guinea pig to report what happens, I have no idea what will happen.

    Im very ill at present so this is very bad timing, I was under the assumption it was on the 8th for some reason.

    I can manually change your username on the website.


    In reply to: Name Change

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    @ChaileyOfficial @Dr.solid @3kaj @TimHuisman

    The entire point of moving to 1.8 is completely based on people being able to change their usernames, I have stated this from day 1. Nov 2014? I say that’s enough forewarning.

    And still GriefPrevention is not converting properly.

    Since I cannot trust people to listen, I have spent some time to try and protect PirateCraft.

    Read here:

    Players should (This is untested) be able to change their usernames without fear from right now, I just implemented a temporary solution.

    For those that were too impatient, didn’t ask an member of staff on the server or forums first, ignored forewarning, changed their username and then decided to join the server in the few hours it took me to find a solution, I don’t think there is anything I can do to fix the damage caused, try connecting agian to see if this new solution fixes anything for you.

    Im not sure if it will work, or even if it will be able to fix people that have joined before a solution was implemented.



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    @ChaileyOfficial I have literally talked about nothing else for the last few months about switching to 1.8. I have been unable to switch over to 1.8 due to GriefPrevention being absolulty terrible conversion, This is a horrible responce for something that you caused yourself.

    I will say that I feel like these warnings were not very clear



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    Can I change my username?
    Starting February 4th, you will be able to change a Minecraft username (this includes editing capitalization). If you sign in with your email, this feature will be available to you. If you sign in with your username, you’ll need to <span style=”color: #3ec1ed;”>migrate to a Mojang account</span>. Usernames can be changed at <span style=”color: #3ec1ed;”></span>; just click the “change” link next to your name.”

    Following those instructions, my in game name is now “Chailey” (I lost the “Official”).

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    @ChaileyOfficial Coolbeans, Ill be on teamspeak roughly about that time tonight since the dev server will be up & down, its got text chat if your not fond of voice chat.

    Put the word out if your on the server now, I dont finish work for a few hours still.

    I will be testing a world backup I made yesterday.

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