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  • #32072

    In reply to: I'm done.

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    Shall I keep your RAWR still under copyright?

    I’ll miss you Chailey, I always had a laugh with you.


    In reply to: I'm done.

    • Topics: 22
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    Do not go gentle into that good night,
    Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
    Because their words had forked no lightning they
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
    Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
    And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
    Do not go gentle into that good night.

    Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
    Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

    And you, my father, there on the sad height,
    Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
    Do not go gentle into that good night.
    Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


    I have always wanted to use this poem for something 🙂




    - Buildy Squad Leader
    - Governor of Vendigroth
    - Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
    - Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
    - Current Lord of the British Empire
    - Member of the Conservative Party in the BE Government


    In reply to: I'm done.

    • Topics: 82
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    Chailey completely forgot poor unimportant ani….


    Chailey we had a couple run ins but I always loved your ships [black pearl] and I loved your personality. I had a great time on the server and our extreme chess showdowns were tons of fun! Let’s keep in touch somehow chai chai!

    ~High (#420) Admiral of the BE Navy and retired News Anchor of the Piratecraft Survival Server~

    • Topics: 21
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    The Fate:


    Due to recent events on the PirateCraft server and coupled with the new’s founder: Mandarin Panda, leaving the server for the foreseeable future the news unfortunately reports an end…






    To Elexandre’s Salty Reign (gottcha :P)

    The Player Elexandre was recently banned of the server on the 2nd of april 2016 at 3:42 am (on my birthday xD) for finally reaping what he sowed when GodsDead and the other admins banned him for: Advertising servers, multiple warns, tempmutes, tempbans, disgisting waste of human life” [PirateCraft Ban Management]. The Events that occurred as described by GodsDead were as such:
    Im sleeping at 3am,  get woken up by a skype message from EmperorLew saying Elexandre is advertising EmperorLew copycat server, so I ban them both temporarily as its 3am and im trying to sleep and I don’t have time for this crap, /ban is used; not tempban as I don’t have the patience to write out the entire command on my phone, while in bed 3/4 asleep, so I can deal with these morons in the morning, there are no staff online.

    I specifically tell Chailey who seems to be talking to Elexandre, this so they both know; and I specifically tell him that if Elexandre creates a bull-crap manipulative forum post then the ban is permanent, because I know the kind of person he is (Guess where im wasting my time replying to now?)

    Elexandre backups are made, you didn’t stop anything, you have never helped the server or anyone, its you and you alone.

    “I was muted for simply pointing out to Godsdead that his server was being ripped off by Lew and Secondeath” Thats a complete lie; you were muted as I was knee deep in testing 1.9 and you came onto the test server and shouted “WHY WAS I KICKED”, you legitimately stopped testing for 1.9 for everyone on piratecraft because you demanded to know why you were kicked, twat. maybe you were kicked for being a complete asshole you agree to being.

    Elex then posted what seemed like a ban appeal, which was then i groaned expecting to read somthing like: I’m so sorry/i lernt my lession/i didnt do it/please let me back on the server. But when i loaded up the post labeled:’Not a Ban Appeal’ it was a torrent of abuse towards many players including staff and members such as: Reptaria, Emperor Salt, Secondeath and finally GodsDead. This seals the fact that Elex will never get back on the server, although i expect that he (like most other banned players like him) will return with more abuse.


    So! Many! Spammers!

    Recently on PirateCraft there was a new player named Ehm. He was on the server for a while before he started to shout alot of innapropriate criticisums and comments, unfortunatly there were no staff members on at the time so most people had to deal with it. Then another player named: iiiliiilliiiliii joined the server and also started shouting the same kinds of abuse. They both admited to be alts and boasted that even if they were banned they would come back again and again and again, several more alts then joined and the server was filled with spam. Thankfully dag joined and started muting and banning all of these annoying alts and Ehm and his spammers left, swearing revenge on the server. We havnt seen him since and we can only hope he is gone forever.


    GoodBye Mandarin

    The Creator of PirateCraft Articles is leaving the server, mandarin_panda was an inspiration to us all and i hope that one day he will come back to us and continue where he left of with writing the news. Goodbye mandarin!

    The Fate of The Articles

    Many people will be glad to hear that the news will continue. I wil strive to upkeep the news that mandarin cherished and loved and will try as hard as i can to continue to keep it to two articles a week (this hasnt been recently as i have been in germany and mandarin is leaving)


    No advertisements this week (contact Icanra in game to discus advertising on the news)

    Icanra’s Joke of the week!

    So a pirate walks into a bar, okay, and swaggers up to the barkeep and demands a glass of rum. Shouting to the barkeep: “Your rum or your life, dog, what’ll it be?”.

    So the bartender, being a reasonable fellow, makes no complaint but simply grabs a large glass, a bottle of fine dark rum, and begins to pour. And while he’s waiting for the glass to fill  he sizes up the pirate, having never seen a real pirate before.

    This pirate is in full pirate gear. Gold earrings, patch over the eye, a big filthy white blouse covering his sweating chest, tattoos everywhere, all of it. But protruding from his pirate trousers is the unmistakable form of a steering wheel.

    Well, the bartender sees that the glass of rum is just about topped off, so he passes the glass across the bar to the pirate, who nods curtly and takes a huge swig of the rum. Slapping a doubloon on the bar top, he turns to walk away, when our bartender’s curiosity gets the best of him.

    “Wait, one second. What’s up with the steering wheel?”

    And the pirate turns back and fixes him with a beady glare from his one eye. “Arrr, I don’t know, but it’s drivin’ me nuts!”

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
    Writer of Pirate Craft Articles
    Luteus Republic
    The servers first founded and working Republic

    • Topics: 133
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    So, the penny dropped for some of you guys only half way through? And I was worried that I was being a bit TOO explicit. Haha! xD

    Anyway, I’m still waiting for Chailey to take office. If he doesn’t turn up for work tomorrow I’ll have to eat his welcome chocolates for him!


    In reply to: Not a ban appeal

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    As usual Elexandre Has made himself look like the victim and purposefully missed out the entire story and “other side” of whats going on here to try and manipulate events to tarnish me. @elexandre1994 your entire issue is your attitude, you yourself said you were the biggest asshole on the server, I totally agree with you.

    Its always a massive shame to see a long term player get a swollen head, thinking they are allowed to break the rules and think that they are owed something, its hilarious that you think you have done nothing wrong Elexandre, being the better man I will stick to only facts; I will ignore your crying run of emotion towards me.

    Here is your punishment checker:
    Not exactly a “clean slate” is it mate? 3 warnings and you get perm banned, you have 3 warnings, a current mute to stop you running your horrible mouth all over the server, as that’s your issue, your attitude and 5 previous bans! You are an angel and I am surely the aggressor! How dare GodsDead give you all these second chances! Oh no you are really the victim, you have done nothing wrong!

    So let me clear all this up! and lets really tell everyone about Elexandre passive aggressive manipulation on PirateCraft. Elexandre was banned at 3am (when I was in bed trying to sleep) he posted this message after being told  I was asleep, him knowing this so he knew people would have time to read it without my reply, as what Elexandre does is use loaded attacks to try and manipulate events to bend them into his warped view.

    Chain of events for your ban  was going to be temporary ban by the way, lets just get that out there I was going to deal with your attitude in the morning

    • Im sleeping at 3am,  get woken up by a skype message from EmperorLew saying Elexandre is advertising EmperorLew copycat server, so I ban them both temporarily as its 3am and im trying to sleep and I don’t have time for this crap, /ban is used; not tempban as I don’t have the patience to write out the entire command on my phone, while in bed 3/4 asleep, so I can deal with these morons in the morning, there are no staff online.
    • I specifically tell Chailey who seems to be talking to Elexandre, this so they both know; and I specifically tell him that if Elexandre creates a bull-crap manipulative forum post then the ban is permanent, because I know the kind of person he is (Guess where im wasting my time replying to now?)
    • Elexandre backups are made, you didn’t stop anything, you have never helped the server or anyone, its you and you alone.
    • I was muted for simply pointing out to Godsdead that his server was being ripped off by Lew and Secondeath” Thats a complete lie; you were muted as I was knee deep in testing 1.9 and you came onto the test server and shouted “WHY WAS I KICKED”, you legitimately stopped testing for 1.9 for everyone on piratecraft because you demanded to know why you were kicked, twat. maybe you were kicked for being a complete asshole you agree to being.

    This forum post really does point out your lying, manipulative, deluded , passive aggressive behavior. You were constantly given many many warnings, and second chances, and this is how you repay me, the ban was temporary until I woke up and had a chance to actually investigate the reports, its absolutely disgusting you think I would have woken up at 3am to look into your known bad behavior. Well Elexandre, its been horrible, I cant think of a single time where you benefited the server. Goodbye, good-riddance.


    • Topics: 133
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    Greetings, residents of PirateCraft!

    As many of you know, the British Empire lately held its third election race to determine our new Prime Minister for the next six months. The winner was anointed on 25th March 2016. It has taken a week for him to put together his new cabinet.

    But now the wait is at an end at long last. Without further ado, on to the results!

    Prime Minister: Chailey, once front runner for Prime Minister before leaving the British Empire last summer, finally decided to stick with the crew for six months in order to lead the British people to victory. Widely known for his incredible patience and unflinching stoicism to the cause, he will undoubtedly make the finest Prime Minister the empire has ever seen!

    Vice Prime Minister: There can be no better candidate for the seat of Vice Prime Minster than the legendary Reptaria. The founder of the Elven Empire is rarely active in political topics these days and it is general knowledge that he/she currently has absolutely nothing to do on the server. With such talent going to waste, it is simply a no-brainer to appoint the leader of the elves as to the highest executive committee of Westminster.

    Election Commissioner: Having run the elections from day one, there is of course no other person in the empire capable of running an internet poll other than myself, lest some terrible catastrophe occur. I have studied the art of using fully automated tools for five years in order to work out how to count votes properly – and only occasionally do I lose count using my twelve fingers.

    Minister for Justice: A true paladin of the light, noble Dr. Solid is a most just and honourable soul whose wise words never get taken out of context. He despises pirates of any kind and will justly condemn wrong-doers and haters to death. Active as always, this vigilant guardian of justice will enlighten the mind of any player who follows his YouTube video links.

    Chief of Police: Jedi serve as the long arm of justice of the Star Wars universe (according to the first trilogy), so ObiwanKenobi is a good choice to let loose on the likes of Javainvader, Chamberlain and HardTimez. His incredible jedi mind tricks warp the senses of his fellow players, leaving them dazed and confused. Every pirate server needs an all-powerful master of kendo to keep the naughty deckhands in check!

    Minister for Recruitment: No player has reached the hearts and minds of the community like Ultracreeper. His impassioned speeches will undoubtedly accrue a loyal following of talented, free thinking donators and long-term players who will contribute greatly to the reputation of the British Empire. As a fierce advocate of modesty and even-temper, this fellow is just the right man for the job.

    Home Secretary: We have always maintained a solid relationship with BensterPC, a lovable player who enjoys helping others and solving conflicts. For too long have our projects stalled and stagnated, now is the time for a real leader to take the helm and promote British values in architecture and culture.

    Chancellor of the Exchequer: As everybody knows, the British Empire is in dire need of cash. Jettyman’s proven himself an apt negotiator on the forums. Even while downtrodden, he never once resorted to begging or pleading and always seems to come out as the winner of any debate he participates in. This is no doubt the person we need to handle our monetary affairs and have complete control over British expenditures.

    Foreign Secretary: Widely known as a big-hearted, cuddly teddy bear, Elexandre always seeks to find the good in people and reaches out to those in need of love. When conflicts arise, Elexandre never hesitates to take the initiative and pour water on the fire, securing friendly relations with every single player on the server as well as a place in their hearts. Who else could be better to manage our international relations?

    Media Commissioner: The British Empire is always in need of serious, intellectual media to recruit new, mature players. One of our loyal followers, Stampy Cat, happens to host live TV-debates and provide new insights into current topics, such as the root causes of terrorism, the long-term consequences of drug use, the influence of modern pop culture on the cognitive development of teenagers or the philosophical argumentation for and against the concept of a leisure society. Be sure to tune into his broadcasts to broaden your horizons!

    Thank you for reading, we look forward to an exciting six months with our new government. If you have any questions, our Prime Minister, Vice Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary are the people you should get in touch with.

    The Election Commissioner


    In reply to: Application

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    Ahh yes! That’s exactly why I asked about FPS, because most of the videos I want to shoot will include player movement, pvp and ship-battles.

    I may have to tackle that one myself!

    As for photographer, that’s not so reliant on FPS.

    Sadly Render-distance is limited to 8 for all players, I have found another way to give specific people larger render-distance but that would mean moving server software from Spigot to PaperSpigot, something we cant do just yet until all our 1.9 misshaps have been figured out.

    All I would suggest is playing with texture packs to make it more pirate like!

    What we can do, is trial you as a photographer by setting some projects and getting them done in time 🙂

    If we can work this through @chaileyofficial this would be grand, he is managing SeconDeath taking screenshots at present, it would make sense to have everyone report to the same person and chailey has direct contact with me.

    We do have a mammoth list of screenshtos that need to be taken!


    Topic: Application

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    I couldn’t find the media application post so I made this.

    Applying as photographer, even though Chailey told me it was SEUS or nothing, I gave it a go.

    Thank you, Enjoy.

    Do not horse

    Smokey River
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    Due to the release of 1.9 and the massive changes to the end. ALL players with end bases and/or homes need to remove ALL their contents and remove there homes. For old donators DO NOT delete your home just move its location. Also for our records please comment below with the fact you have done it so we can tell who visited the end.





    Ravenfalls ( __darklight__ *subtrust)



    mr jolly






    <p style=”margin: 0px; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; font-family: Helvetica; color: #454545;”><span style=”color: #333333; font-family: Georgia, ‘Times New Roman’, ‘Bitstream Charter’, Times, serif; font-size: 16px;”>swordlord43</span></p>


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
    -Rear Admiral or Super Mod-
    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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    Great to see the BOTM Back in action good job Chailey! 🙂

    -Lithvather, Knight Of Winter
    Slayer Of Darkness
    Do Or Do Not
    There Is No Try


    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

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    Hello Again :) This is my Third Album ? Please take some time off to take a look at them and honestly tell me what you think of them by either messaging me or posting down below. This album is by far my largest with over 120 Pictures. ? This time I tweaked some settings for the default texturepack and used the 126x HD Minecraft Texture Pack with the renowned SEUS High Motion Blur Shaders v1.2 Also I concentrated on the warps this time, some forgotten areas of cove, hidden areas at spawn and much more ? Link- 2nd Link coming soon … blame my internet ? @ChaileyOfficial, @GodsDead, @mountainrasta, @smokeyriver Hope You like em and also my 4 hours on this didn’t go to waste :)


    John Smith Legacy with the seus ultra shaders @secondeath


    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

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    Hello Again 🙂

    This is my Third Album 😛

    Please take some time off to take a look at them and honestly tell me what you think of them by either messaging me or posting down below.

    This album is by far my largest with over 120 Pictures. 😛

    This time I tweaked some settings for the default texturepack and used the 126x HD Minecraft Texture Pack with the renowned SEUS High Motion Blur Shaders v1.2

    Also I concentrated on the warps this time, some forgotten areas of cove, hidden areas at spawn and much more 😀


    2nd Link coming soon … blame my internet 😀

    @ChaileyOfficial, @GodsDead, @mountainrasta, @smokeyriver

    Hope You like em and also my 4 hours on this didn’t go to waste 🙂



    In reply to: Post Ya Screenshots!

    Crazy Pirate
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    This is your new server photographer.


    Topic: MONEY?

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    As most of you know, I’m broke ? I need money and nobody hires people for work like building/breaking. I was thinking moderators can make jobs, and get paid for digging! I think the deckys wood love this. Add job ranks too so like numerical order. Ever played the escapists and levelled up in intellect and stuff? Like that! The higher rank you are, the more your salary. Or make a pawn shop! Or kit money! You also must know about that 100 claim blocks per hour thing too? Add some money, like 20 bucks per hour! @Godsdead please deliver your criticism on this topic rather than any other, and don’t close it until there is a few voices delivering their ideas. I do prefer to keep things on topic rather than saying WELL YOU’RE THE IDIOT WHO GAMBLED OR THEIR MONEY AWAY! If you were about to type that you are 20% true and but as Chailey once said after I said to him YOU SCAMMED 200 BUCKS OFF ME AND YOU HAVE 20 NOW!?

    I quote “<i>it’s none of your business what I do with my money!”</i>

    Anyway back on topic, share your feedback, who wants to run the pawn shop? Who wants kit money? Who wants work? I’m sure ALOT of deckys and empty handed people plus @vapecloudbear (because you said you were broke) would be very “on board” with this idea. (I AM SO PUNNY! HAHAHAHA BECAUSE IT’S A PIRATE SERVER AND ON BOARD LIKE A SHIP! HAHAHAHA) sorry.

    PUN PARTY!???

    sorry again, anyway PLEZ answer with my name at the end for a ? Emoji



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