March Build of the Month Competition
April 27, 2015 8:25 pm in Building, PirateCraft Build of the Month, PirateCraft Build of the Month Winner, PirateCraft News, Settlements and Towns. 5 Comments
Spanning from Islands to ports to ships, We have some fantastic entries for March 2015 Build of the month competition! The progression in unique build quality is phenomenal, as the builds improve the larger the horde of prizes there will be. This is our first BOTM of 2015 due to sloppiness, apologies for the severe lateness.
There are a new set of rules for competition entries, All entrants need to read over the updated rules for BOTM/BOTY Competitions. It is now against the rules to bribe people for votes, offending players will be hunted down, Hanged, drawn and quartered in a The Cove.
The Booty fit for Pirate Lords!
The Entries
AK_Notch123 – Ship Battle
Athenmos12 – Venetzian Oracle
CallieMav – Ship
Chailey – Virgin Islands
Icanra – Isle of luteus
Shadowmanv92 – Port Williams
Smokeyriver – Fort Macon
Which one of these entries is the best build of the month for PirateCraft!? Cast your vote now!
[poll id=”32″]
Missed out on Marches BOTM? Do not panic! A join April-May double BOTM is now Open! Click the banner below to enter:
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Written by SuperGL
PirateCraft Admin & Co-Founder. Server Photographer & Viking Pirate!
Categorised in: Building, PirateCraft Build of the Month, PirateCraft Build of the Month Winner, PirateCraft News, Settlements and Towns
Tags: 1.8.3, 2015, build of the month, march 2015 botm, medeval minecraft castle, minecraft, minecraft 1.8, minecraft castle, minecraft Cathedral, minecraft fort, minecraft Fort Macon, minecraft house, minecraft isle of luteus, minecraft mansion, minecraft moving ships, minecraft pirate town, minecraft Port Williams, minecraft ship, minecraft ship battle, minecraft Venetzian Oracle, minecraft Virgin Islands, pirate booty, pirate minecraft, piratecraft, piratemc
Posted on April 27, 2015
Crazy Pirate
Why is my head in chaileys house?!
Why shouldn’t your head be in my house? >:) – Decoration, Crazy. Decoration…
chailey how many people did you bribe to get those votes?
I didn’t bribe anyone… And you tell off other people for accusing… Kinda hypocritical, don’t you think?
He didn’t bribe me 😛