December Build of the Month
December 27, 2014 5:42 pm in PirateCraft Build of the Month, PirateCraft News, Settlements and Towns. 6 Comments

From an underground vault, Palace to scary castles, December BOTM is jam-packed full of immense builds; some delightfully simple and others courageously complex and diverse. Being the last chance to get entered into our first annual BOTM these entires are top quality, so place your vote well! With each build, new details and secrets keep emerging raising the difficulty of winning this competition. Who will take Decembers build of the month crown?
The Booty fit for Pirate Kings:
With the quality and quantity of entries submitted we have brought back the 2nd prize for Decembers competition. Another chance of winning some curse’d gold!
1st Prize
- Prime spot on the header banner
- 1250 Claim Blocks
- £500 In-game
- Unique BOTM diamond toolkit
- A map icon in the new BOTM category
- A personally baked cake form GodsDead
2nd Prize
- 500 Claim Blocks
- £250 In-game
- Unique BOTM iron toolkit
- A personally baked cake form GodsDead
The Entries:
Aniviankevinlu, Valhalla
Azuries, Vault
Crazy Pirate, Netherhub
Gian88, The Sevekioth Freehold
jackofalltradez, Palace
Ma_c_hi & Markusi13, VIP Club
Unic0rnjunk101, Wither Castle
Zelrond, Port
So which one of these entries is the best build of the month for PirateCraft!? Cast your vote now!
[poll id=”28″]
Missed out on December’s BOTM? Do not panic! January BOTM is now Open! Click the banner below to enter:

View Other posts by SuperGL
Written by SuperGL
PirateCraft Admin & Co-Founder. Server Photographer & Viking Pirate!
Categorised in: PirateCraft Build of the Month, PirateCraft News, Settlements and Towns
Tags: 1.7.10, 1.7.9, 1.8, 2014, botm, build of the month, minecraft, minecraft 1.8, minecraft Netherhub, minecraft Palace, minecraft Port, minecraft The Sevekioth Freehold, minecraft Valhalla, minecraft Vault, minecraft VIP Club, minecraft Wither Castle, pirate minecraft, piratecraft, piratemc
Posted on December 27, 2014
Alex Lazescu
Can’t wait for Build of the Year! 😀
It’s going to be an awesome competition!!!
Elsa Sterling
How is zelronds port winning!?!?
The beauty of public voting!
Bryan Adams
i cant click on the banner for january?
January BOTM isn’t posted up yet. Should be there hopefully tomorrow night (uk time). Need to set my machine up. Bear with me 🙂