Official PirateCraft Discord Server

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    I created a discord server months ago but never bothered to sit down and get it all sorted out, I started off on Slack years ago when it came out and since then there has been 100 pop-up versions of slack, picking the “best solution” is very hard, so lets give discord a try, it may work, it may not!

    If you know what discord is, then join us at or clicking connect below.

    <iframe src=”; width=”350″ height=”500″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>

    Discord information page on

    I have added a permanent page to get to the discord information under the “Information” tab on the menu, which links to

    Getting Discord

    Discord works from any web browser at

    But it also has OS based Clients For OSX, Windows, Android and IOS (Linux coming soon)

    What is discord?

    Discord is a free voice and text chat app designed specifically for gaming, Its suppose to be a modern voice and text communication tool to replace Teamspeak and Skype, I will not be removing the Skype group (I never visit this ever) or the Teamspeak (I pop on from time to time) Discord will be an addition to these.

    Discord can be used from the web browser, it has its own mobile apps across all platforms.

    I don’t have to run a server for discord, its all hosted, and its free for anyone to create a server. If you want a full feature list then you can visit their main website at which compares all vent, teamspeak and skype in once place.


    I am brand spanking new to Discord, so settings and permissions may not be setup properly, this can change at any point, and I ask you to please reply to this forum thread if you think it should be any different, I have set a rough idea of the permissions I think it should have.


    Discord has roles, that have permissions to manage the discord server, I have setup these current roles:

    • Admin (RearAdmiral/Admiral)
    • Moderator (Commodore)
    • Media (media team)
    • Builder (Server Building team)
    • Helper, This will be a general helper, to help manage the discord server, have control over the help channel and be able to be summoned for help, I will expand this role into the main server as a role once I move over to a new permission system (This is not to be discussed in this forum thread, we already have forum threads talking about helper role permissions in-game)
      The helper role and above will be able to set the role of anyone to a specific crew channel
    • Crew 1 – To allow voice chat in crew 1 channel
    • Crew 2 – To allow voice chat in crew 2 channel
    • Crew 3 – To allow voice chat in crew 3 channel

    If these are not enough Crew channels and discord gets used, I will expand these to 10/how many we need.


    Please choose the same username as you use in Minecraft to stop confusion, The moderator and helper roles will be able to change nicknames, but please get it right from the start!

    Game Chat in discord!

    There are plugins that allow me to have 2 way chat from discord to piratecraft game chat, and even use commands as an admin with a full searchable history of chat, I really want to improve communication between staff/players, but at present I find in-game chat impossible to talk to people and I just get very frustrated with it, Having a separate desktop tool may help me mange these conversations live, with permissions this does also mean I can allow anyone to view the current server game chat live in discord too! I won’t allow replying as we all know how the live map chat turned out (Boo to those that spoilt it… bastards) I also wont allow server history to try and stop witch hunting and people searching the chat history to try and get someone in trouble because they pissed them off. But staff will be able to. (Gets exited about using a mobile app to talk to chat in game (that isn’t minechat, im not giving you my password minechat you cheeky monkeys))

    This isn’t implemented yet, a I need to test and find the best plugin, if discord fails, I may try a teamspeak plugin, or an IRC one.

    Server Location
    I chose US Central for best ping as a lot of you are from the US.

    Verification Level

    At present anyone with a verified email on discord can join, This can be bumped up later to “must be registered for longer than 5 mins” if we have issues with trolls/Or member of PirateCraft discord server for 10 mins.

    AFK Channel

    Auto afk is set to 5 mins, I might change this to 15 to match the server, what do you think?

    UI Choices & Photo Avatars

    Personal preferences are set bottom left, there is a cog that when you hover over says “User settings”, Clicking appearance, there are options for a Dark theme and a Compact theme, select both of these, it makes the app 100x better, I wish I could default that to all users.

    As I don’t control this server software, I cant add plugins to auto pull images for your minecraft character, you can set your image in this settings are too,  to quickly get an image of your minecraft head put your username into this URL in a web browser and save the image to your desktop to add to discord.


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    Awesome gods!
    Sorry, I forgot to remind you :S

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    Sorry, but I’ve never used team speak or anything like this, can I just call one person and nobody else joins?


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    Sorry, but I’ve never used team speak or anything like this, can I just call one person and nobody else joins?

    Yes, this is planned, it might even be working now

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    I always used teamspeak. But I’ve heard good things about discord and it sorta has more to offer.

    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

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    Why is my head a godsdead head


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    Lol @odiwankenobi

    In the link it says GodsDead’s. Change that part to whatever username you want in order to get the head for that username.

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
    United States Empire
    The Asylum
    Phantom Pirates
    The British Empire
    The Coalition
    Dealer's Deck
    House Indoril

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    @Godsdead : I have a few questions:

    -Can you create private group chats via discord?

    – Does it make your voice sound different? I heard something about it.

    -Does it cost money?



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    @godsdead : I have a few questions: -Can you create private group chats via discord? – Does it make your voice sound different? I heard something about it. -Does it cost money? thanks!

    Discord is completely free, we have crew channels which you can be assigned to if you wanted, but ive not seen anyone use them, its easier to just create your own discord server for your crew, although this isn’t linked with the PirateCraft one, but we do have crew channels if you wanted a channel, any discord staff can set a persons role on it. I haven’t used the voice chat, but its suppose to just be normal voice to rival teamspeak.

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    Anna Supova
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    I noticed that you are very diligent in your work.

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