Who ever griefed me own up to it

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    So today I come on seeing I was griefed .

    Who ever griefed me you better own up to it.

    Some screen shots:

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    Hmm.. who did you kill recently? That might be your answer.

    A promise made is a debt unpaid.
    -Robert W. Service

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    Idek where your base is, it doesn’t look that big. Might as well just clean it up

    But if it’s bigger, soz



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    Just clean it up.


    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

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    I don’t care about the mess I just want to know who did it. They shouldn’t get in trouble by staff or anything.

    Also this happened while I was away for the weekend. So I couldn’t have made anyone mad then.

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    What me haha L O L didn’t use TNT (I’m kidding this is for banter lel)

    Founder of the Coalition

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    Hmmm I wonder who it could be. Let’s put the pieces together. The suspect

    – complains about being killed (Galaxy mostly kills Apple crew members)

    – nearly breaks server rules to make point (like Juicekings that had hackers that tried to stop attacks)

    – is extremely harsh (like juicekings crew members that tried to bypass chat filter to insult us when we attacked)

    – slightly poor english (like some people in juicekings. Not saying they can’t speak English)

    yeah totally not juicekings.

    ( don’t take this the wrong way. Each thing I said juicekings did before has either been taken care of or doesn’t apply any more. Just saying it’s similar to the way they acted before)

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

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    Eh , JuiceKings? Ally stop, The Juicekings are peacefull crew . Id you see them , they love the building and they hate the griefingriefing .



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    well if they removed any of the blocks by hand then u should be able to just ask admins who removed the blocks, no?


    I remember back when someone burned parts of forests around one of lawzoneons old castles, I asked smokey to help and she just checked who had set fire to the trees? bam, problem solved..

    Founder of Port Hope

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    Doubt it’s the Juice Kings.

    Tbh, the last thing they’d do is attack you, I’ve got claims all over the place, where they’ve been trying to build (for some reason always where I claim xD) and they could have killed me endless times, for how many places they could tp to and get close to me.

    I would just let it pass for now.

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