[SUGGESTION] Anniversary Rewards

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions [SUGGESTION] Anniversary Rewards

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  • #35616
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    Hello, so while sitting around pondering all things piratecraft, an idea occurred to me that it would be nice to reward folks on some sort of anniversary basis, say, 3, 6, or 12 months, given a minimum amount of time played in between. Could be any sort of thing, like claim blocks, in game money, spawn eggs, etc.

    Anyway, that’s it. Keep mining and carry on. ??

    Brother Kanube, head of the Order of St. Ender, Watcher of the Void
    ~~~~~ from the dust of the void all is made, and to the void it returns~~~~~

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    that is a cool idea. but you could do play time as days / months / or time played


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    There kinda already is this; the prizes you get when you rank up.

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    he means like total time on the server, like playing on here for a year, 6 months, etc.



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    I think this is a good idea. Like people rank up after there like 5 month aniiversarry then a year

    Founder and Senator of the Luteus Republic
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    The Queen
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    I have been here for 2 years!! What do I get for that?

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

    Crazy Pirate
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    *Congratulations, player CrazyPirate1 just unlocked [A LONG ASS TIME]*

    *Rewarded with [PERM BAN-GET A LIFE, SERIOUSLY]*

    ‘server cheers’

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    Aka, the current ranking system!

    I’ve actaully thought about this before, also to add onto that the other idea I had was to have a “PirateCraft birthday” when you would get something on that date from when you joined.

    The only way I could do this technically would be to add more ranks, which we cant do with donators, which means we need sub-ranks, which is what were going to get once I move us to a different permissions system, which is on my to-do list asap.

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