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  • #35974
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    After recently creating a new crew I found a few things that are in contradiction with the website so I was hoping for some help!

    – Crew members do not join untrusted automatically.

    – Unable to add colours to crew tag as a Captain (&cTMPLR)

    Thanks for your help in advance!


    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

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    These are both true.

    If you read the colors segment, there is a giant yellow banner that says “Currently not active”. This means that colors are currently not activated, I wish for them to be donator only perks, and there currently is no permission node for it.

    The untrusted thing, is only temporary, its so people got adjusted to the new crews system, and that it worked very similar to our previous crew plugin, once people are adjusted and understand how trust works, then the switch will be made.

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    I recognised, If you get a title in your current crew (via /crew setrank person title) and then leave this and join a new crew, you still have the same title from your old crew

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    Oh sorry I completely missed the banner. Apologies.

    Fair enough, thanks Godsy.

    ~ Former Admiral in the British Empire ~
    ~ Founder of Phantom ~
    ~ Co-Founder of Templars ~
    ~ Original owner of HMS Sovereign (Phantom Sovereign) ~

    Crazy Pirate
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    These are both true. If you read the colors segment, there is a giant yellow banner that says “<span class=”ctsc-message ctsc-message-warn”>Currently not active”. This means that colors are currently not activated, I wish for them to be donator only perks, and there currently is no permission node for it. </span> The untrusted thing, is only temporary, its so people got adjusted to the new crews system, and that it worked very similar to our previous crew plugin, once people are adjusted and understand how trust works, then the switch will be made.

    Colors? Colors!?! Don’t go all yank on us godsy, we expect colour! 😛

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    I recognised, If you get a title in your current crew (via /crew setrank person title) and then leave this and join a new crew, you still have the same title from your old crew

    Ha, Yeah I guess that’s just bad design from the developer, maybe it was intended? I assume it was just the method he chose to store the data in the database, and this is auto pulled over! I could request it gets wiped when the player leaves/is kicked from a crew maybe? I cant see it being an issue though.

    Colors? Colors!?! Don’t go all yank on us godsy, we expect colour!

    Its such a missmatch all over the website and server, Its Color in most of minecraft as its a yankee made game ha! Colours!

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