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i’m confused about the no building outside of, on top of or underneath worlds. How do you go out of the world what does it mean, ex: can i build a sky base in the overworld or end, build underground in any diamension or building under a end island

It means on top of the nether.

I might just reword that rule to “no breaking or glitching through bedrock”
Those of us who know how to do that, understand what it means.
People who don’t know about it, dont even know there is a top of the nether, so it’s just confusing.
Also, the current wording doesn’t explicitly ban things like using the roof for fast easy travel across the server, super top secret crew meetings, or throwing people into the infinite abyss beneath the overworld. I’m sure those are implied, and I promise not to do any of those things…

But, I think ” “no breaking or glitching through bedrock” pretty much covers any/all of the things that are bad,
While being very self-explanatory to people who don’t know that is a thing.

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