Reply To: Beacons and playertrust

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Beacons and playertrust Reply To: Beacons and playertrust

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“pointless to make one if it puts those sieging on even ground with you at your own base.”

Also, I have to point out, this is obviously not true.
I build them mostly for the speed boost, convenience, and free haste II if I’m doing a big mining project.
Not to mention, the beacon itself which makes a nice landmark/decoration.

I don’t believe they were ever intended to be mobile, one-sided, PVP buffs.
Mojang made them immobile and take 5 minutes (minimum) to set up.
Not turning them into an unfair PVP advantage does not in any way negate the 10 other fantastic uses that already exist.

There is a mobile, targetable, potentially one-sided PVP buff already.
It’s not a coincidence that all the Beacon effects also come in potion and splash potion form.
It’s also not a coincidence that they are one-time use and take some mats to produce.

I had an automatic potion brewing machine as soon as hoppers were added.
It’s actually pretty easy in 1.12.2, I’d be happy to help you build one if you’re interested.
Most of the ingredients are afk farmable.

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