Reply To: The Big Man Returns

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests The Big Man Returns Reply To: The Big Man Returns

  • Topics: 794
  • Replies: 3344
  • Total: 4138
  • ★★★★★★★★
  • Nuked player.dat (Inv & echest, last location, XP etc) Not your stats. (You will show as a new player joining, still keep ranks)
  • Removed your Bonus claim blocks (bought blocks) you still have your playtime claimblocks!
  • Since removing claimblocks I’ve needed to remove all your claims, but ive admin claimed the ones you had a sethome in, so you can re-claim them (if you want them) otherwise the plugin will get confused having less claim blocks than the total claimblocks in claims.
  • Removed Balance

Changed your ban to a tempban of 30hours as this will all take effect from next reboot!

Welcome back to the server!

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