Reply To: Unban request | EnderSold

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Unban request | EnderSold Reply To: Unban request | EnderSold

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Hello @EnderSold,

Firstly it’s not very important what you think about this situation. When you were in the locker I messaged you to knock it off or you’ll get a more severe punishment. Me telling you to stop was the warning, you chose to ignore it so you got the harder punishment I said you were gonna get.

You didn’t just get banned for killing yourself in the locker, you got banned cause you: ignored multiple warnings, said many inappropriate things in global chat, argued with staff and got a whopping 11 mutes from 01/08 till your ban.

You were banned for a lot of different things that you did, staff is done with this stuff. Reading your appeal, I couldn’t help thinking you didn’t learn anything in these few weeks.

You didn’t get banned for one thing you got banned for ignoring multiple warnings, multiple mutes and overall just giving us a bad time as staff. I want you to rethink your actions in the past, realize why you were banned and how you should change your behavior in the future to prevent us from having to deal with your crap.

Rethink your punishments, read this response and re-write an appeal in a few weeks where you prove me (and the other staff) that you’ve realized what you did wrong.


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