Reply To: Tulipss

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports Tulipss Reply To: Tulipss

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Its absolutely not about taste, its about you, playing ear rape music, Its music that you know is to annoy people, and then you instant leave when i leave and you laugh in pmc chat, so obvioulsy its absolutely not about taste or about you listening to music. You are not here to listen to music but just to make me leave the channel. I will probably not answer more to your message since  you are not even reading what i write and your answers are a nonsense cause you talk about things i already answered. You are just trying to not be punished, so you write poor arguments. So stop saying you just want to listen to music, its false, you only play horrible sound to make me leave. And you don’t even stay in the channel. Now let staff decide. I am open to answer every questions, Just don’t ask things i already answered.

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