Reply To: Unban Request and Apology BuffNut

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Unban Request and Apology BuffNut Reply To: Unban Request and Apology BuffNut

  • Topics: 18
  • Replies: 115
  • Total: 133
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Hello @MrFortunate,

Your actions towards the server and the staff team were disgraceful and very inappropriate. In your appeal, you talk about Ging and Nitro being bad influences. That’s very true however, you’re responsible for your own actions! This means the stuff you sent is on you! What you did is unforgivable and outright offensive to a lot of people.

Due to the severity of your actions, you’ll not be unbanned. As your ban message says “never coming back!”, we mean it. Go look for another server and don’t replicate this behavior in that community.

– Appeal Denied


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