Reply To: Reporting Armando_Is_Death for: harrasment

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports Reporting Armando_Is_Death for: harrasment Reply To: Reporting Armando_Is_Death for: harrasment

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Actually, it is, and has been for like 2 months or 3 illegal to grapple people at non-pvp areas with the intent to kill or to move outside of the area etc.

Same goes for endermites, this is a really old rule, and it’s kinda obvious.

The only thing that it’s allowed is pushing people from cliffs or drowning them.

Also, floki got pretty annoyed at u just grappling him because he left csn I recon you could’ve just left him alone instead of trying to annoy him for no reason. it was completely unnecessary and a stupid thing to do, u deserve a warning at least.



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