Reply To: Waterpool and Stewie0404 Hacking and Griefing

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports Waterpool and Stewie0404 Hacking and Griefing Reply To: Waterpool and Stewie0404 Hacking and Griefing

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Hey there!

So it’s me the big bad in this story. I was the one who sieged u and took ur stuff! First off, idk why Stewie was suddenly involved in this I can confirm he wasn’t even there present with me. The person with me was Official_Xerphon and he just like me didn’t hack.

Let’s get to the report next!
First off, There’s NO HACK that lets you break blocks in other people’s claims. So this statement is ridiculous. I sieged one of your members, killed him, and then entered the base using the buttons. We then got in the chest room in which NO CHESTS where locked. You forgot to block them off which was your own mistake!

Now to the second part, the griefing. I can be rather quick about what was griefed: 2 pieces of glass. This was all griefing that was done.

The last thing I wanted to talk about is the statement: “Both players have had multiple bans and mutes in the past”. This is pure BS xD. I’ve been muted once a long time ago by GodsDead cause he thought I was annoying whilst trying to help him. The ban was a mistake by Callie and was reverted 10 minutes later. So this statement, like the report, is truly ridiculous!

Let’s not make a toxic flame war on this post, if you’ve got more questions or want to talk to me contact me on discord, WaterPool#9237. Now it’s up to higher staff to look at this report.


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