Reply To: I want my docks.

Home Forums Server Support Help Request Ticket I want my docks. Reply To: I want my docks.

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Hello again,
I don’t want to escalate this more than it needs to be, but your request to get the claims removed is based on “i built them so they are mine and the ships that Enderzalt built in them could be mine just because I built the docks around it”. Your logic says: “I built the docks, so they are mine, and therefore your claims should be removed”. You can pull this the other way as well, since I built the ships, they are mine, and therefore YOUR claims should be removed. (I am not trying to get Mojake’s claims removed, if I wanted that I would make another support thread.)

And by harrasment I don’t mean that one kill, but after that kill, Minepixe said in vc that he wanted to leave the crew because of how much you harrassed him, killed him, and taunted him in voice chat, and, (by Roman Law,) charged you $500, luckily I had the money to pay him at the time so he didn’t leave, but you still almost made him quit the server. This constant targeting of deckhands is NOT tolerated by ROME, and is one of the reasons that I kicked you from the crew.

For the sake of this not getting too far off topic, my claims in there are completely legitimate and are not breaking any rules set by the PMC Staff, and should not be removed.


P.S: If you look at your discord dms, I gave you a compromise, I hope we can come to an agreement without getting Staff involved in this business, because it really shouldn’t be their issue, it is a personally thing between you and ROME.

EDIT: I did not say that deckhands are replaceable, I said that if they die with nothing it doesn’t affect us at all, and no, we are not telling them to get outside with nothing, i was a bit unclear in pms when I said that, they are just going out by themselves, if anything I kept telling them not to.

Dragonlord of the Valyrian Freehold (VAL)
Former High Capal of Military and Conquest in ROME
fucking no life loser

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