Reply To: Pirate-Themed Event

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Pirate-Themed Event Reply To: Pirate-Themed Event

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see, suggestions like these are nice, but if you truly want them to have any base to stand on, build it. this is just like writing your idea on a piece of paper to drop it into a suggestions box. someone has to build this. even if you don’t build it all yourself, get a basis down, make a plan, start some terrain or draw out what this map may look like and get some friends to help. im not putting your idea into the dirt, I just think if you want this to go further than “hey! I has a cool idea!!” then try giving proof of concept, so you can be like “hey! I got this cool idea and this is what ive made to support it, but would like some help”. set up some plots and get a captain to help with world edit tools. or take the plunge and either donate for a rank (if im not mistaken you can access world edit at lieutenant? $10 USD) or try your hand in a fresh single player world. (though that ones much harder to get external help from) anyhoo, neat idea, but im sure gods would appreciate/rather have proof of concept over just concept 🙂

If I had a nickel for every time I, Ooo hey, a butterfly!! *runs off chasing the butterfly*

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