Reply To: Mass Griefing

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I didn’t screenshot what you said just cause I don’t care and I think reporting players for that is just a waste of staff’s time.

On this server, I’ve made just some player report cause I prefer taking the lessons keeping the mouth closed. That isn’t your case.

You made 2 reports for the same thing about vec0203 attacking you then you made a report for the grief that got closed and denied and now you remake it. Its 4 reports on us in less than 1 week I think you taking it too much serious. Only cause you got raided twice by some players that don’t mean that u are Harrashed and others need to be punished, not my fault if you decided to live right next to a warp and u walk around without armors that make you an easy target for my new members that need to learn how to siege.I know what are the limits of griefing (I didn’t start placing lava and water like 4orange or like the guy that griefed hydra box) i just destroyed the lawn that can be fixed by placing 1 dirt layer and voilà no big holes.As I say many times in chat i don’t hate anyone on this server, i just play as i want by respecting rules and if I’m allowed to kill someone I’ll do it. This will be my last reply on forum about that report I dont want crease useless drama and waste staff time.

If you want I can sell you some dirt very cheap.

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