Reply To: I was calling staff "thots" and im upset I got a 1 hour mute.

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports I was calling staff "thots" and im upset I got a 1 hour mute. Reply To: I was calling staff "thots" and im upset I got a 1 hour mute.

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In a string of endless drama and a whirlwind of foul language being thrown into the main chat, there is always one word that will become the last before punishment hits.
Well, Cosmic – this time it looks “thot’ was just it.

We can have an admin look up and post all the things being said before; like calling Buckmaster an idiot and other things. One of you had already been muted that evening and it sure seems like you guys cannot calm down. Pointing at just one word and calling foul play is not quite telling the entire story!

I appeal to you to please don’t take out drama in main chat and maybe figure out how you guys can mend things in a mature manner.


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