Reply To: I was calling staff "thots" and im upset I got a 1 hour mute.

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports I was calling staff "thots" and im upset I got a 1 hour mute. Reply To: I was calling staff "thots" and im upset I got a 1 hour mute.

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Whoa there nelly! Ain’t no need to be going about all angry just cause you got muted. Yes, it was kinda not the best reason for being muted but still calling someone names isn’t necessary. I think it will help you in the future when you think of calling people names. Also if there is bad blood between you 2 fix it. If he were not staff and you were in his crew. I think you could hash it out yourselves. Don’t take this as a chance to make jabs at someone just because you don’t like them.

Fix it bra.



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