Reply To: [discussion] For when we move to 1.13, Copying over claims & whats inside them.

Home Forums PirateCraft General [discussion] For when we move to 1.13, Copying over claims & whats inside them. Reply To: [discussion] For when we move to 1.13, Copying over claims & whats inside them.

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itll happen whenever the developers can make it possible. do not nag gods for an ETA, itll happen when it happens… 1.13 is quite a hefty update for servers that use plugins. even vanilla servers are struggling with the poor optimization.

and yeah gods, I did derp and forgot for a sec that we could test it >-> anyhoo… it’s quite interesting to see the landscape changes that have been made, seeing cove and spawn as a blank canvas landscape is sooo different. offer still stands if you need help fixing stuffs P:

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