Reply To: [discussion] For when we move to 1.13, Copying over claims & whats inside them.

Home Forums PirateCraft General [discussion] For when we move to 1.13, Copying over claims & whats inside them. Reply To: [discussion] For when we move to 1.13, Copying over claims & whats inside them.

  • Topics: 1
  • Replies: 6
  • Total: 7

How would that work… Wouldnt some claims end up in water because if it is new land & terrain wouldn’t that change where your claim would be and would some claims end up underground? Also what if you terraformed near your base and don’t have enough claim blocks to claim it yet? (I have done this around my town.) I would prefer not to lose some of my land for I like it. Other than that I think Options 2 & 3 would be awesome. We need fresh land. And more roam around the room.

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