Reply To: Mass Griveing by Cosmic
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Today on 11/13/2018
GodsDead was oh so very generous and rolled back the damage done to the Isengard roadway
A big Shout Out to GodsDead who used his Magic and helped a player fix some pretty damaged land.
Heads up if you find areas of your land that have been /Mass Grieved and it is land that has been terraformed and if regened would remove that hard work of terraforming. Kindly message GodsDead on piratecraft or better yet Discord and ask him if he would be able to roll back the land to restore it to the way it was before.
I do stress that you should add the Coords of the damaged land as it makes it easier for GodsDead to find.
Anyway just wanted to thank GodsDead again for his wonderful work of rolling back the land and bringing the Isengard road back to the way it was.
Hip Hip Hooray
Cheers Mate
Sincerely VladDracul Aka CountMonteCristo
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