Reply To: Harrasment by Cosmick

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Vlad, i am really starting to like you but ya gotta get the facts right mate. Ya see turseturtle was all me, cosmic never knew about it and i did it with another captain player (he just picked up the loot and wrote some signs n shit) and jackel was drifting somehow having trust to his base and turning on claimexplosions. And SPQR was the main goal of TNRR, cosmic was always talking about it to me when i was in rome/TNRR. Also i never sent a player to kill you? If i wanted to kill you i would do it in the most humiliating way possible if you couldnt defend yourself. Also, you encouraged me to blow his base sly high when i had the chance ;/ AND IF ANY SPQR MEMBER TOUCHES COSMIC, I WILL TOUCH THEIR ASS RELENTLESSLY. Ahem anyways

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