Reply To: Harassment and Explicit Language

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports Harassment and Explicit Language Reply To: Harassment and Explicit Language

  • Topics: 2
  • Replies: 3
  • Total: 5

Curly child, you stopped playing this server the day your sugar daddies and big sister had the ban hammer cracked upon their skulls. You need to stop whining about jokes, stop acting like you’re being singled out, and leave in peace. You have no right to act like the little innocent girl you’re trying to be after some of the things that I’ve heard you say in TS, and thats me alone, I’m sure you’ve said more than I’ve heard. So maybe before you cry to staff that someone made a joke about you, which that person made to LITERALLY 10+ people, and none of them are bitching about it, maybe you should think if it’s really that disturbing to you considering some of the things you’ve said in the past.

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