Reply To: Stalking players at Warps
Home › Forums › Server Support › Player Reports › Stalking players at Warps › Reply To: Stalking players at Warps
September 19, 2018 at 1:19 pm
There are multiple ways to not get killed by them. You could:
1. Just not use the warp, use a different one
2. Most warps are pvp off, if you go there and see them just tp away again..
3. or simply go in invis.
Players have and will always use warps to get close to people for kills, there is no way to change that, and if there is a way, tell us. Don’t make suggestions without giving atleast a suggestion on how to change it. And in my personal opinion, im not a fan of all these pvp off warps, its a pirate server after all, either fight back or live with it
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