Reply To: Alliance Request

Bret Brooks
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To: The British Empire

Hello, my name is Eki_Theos but you can call me Eki, I’ve recently settled near an unknown British settlement and would like to ensure peace from the British as we are too weak to attack or defend against such a power. The settlement is small and hit men have been hired to kill us until we move but we shall persevere. The reason I ask for this Non-Aggression pact is because the Kingdom of Serbia is only the size of the tiny settlement of Belgrade and currently only contains two members. We are trying to prosper to where we would be able to support new members but first we have to deal with the unhappy neighbors who refuse to respect the sharing of the sea. While we are small we have large plans and would like to ensure peaceful encounters with the British Empire.


Hereby in the name of the Kingdom of Serbia with the authority vested in me as King of this land I extend a hand that symbolizes friendship and peace, It is up to you to decide whether it is worthy of acceptance.


Sincerely, King Theos

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