Reply To: airships?

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The addition of airships would be interesting. But does not at all help the server in anyway.

Your point is to implement a craft which is better than ships in almost every way, due it being able to move in the positive y-axis and so make the use of movecraft boats inferior/pointless. So I don’t see that as a benefit.

Your point about ship to ship battles is true, however I think airship to airship battles will be rarer. Due to the fact people will have to be looking for something incredibly small in the sky, fly to it and hopefully catch up to it. No I don’t think this will occur like some sort of spaceship mmo, there are no resources in the sky, and tpa/home/warp will always be quicker to transport large amount of stores safely.

Dropping bombs will be the death of the server, people will grief like there is no tomorrow and will make the server EXTREMLY laggy, cannons right now are the way to go. In regards to your argument’s example, I’ll just mention claim protection and promptly destroy it. :/

Your argument about sky bases is sound. However I don’t exactly like the appeal of sky bases honestly, and then people getting pissy about ‘so and so building a sky base near mine’. Your point about the Pirates (traditionally anyway) is wrong- they’re married to the sea, not the sky.

Making airships accessed before boatswain will remove their value by MILES, I’m sure you just want this also due to not having boatswain rank. I will also give the point that if people did ALL start using the movecraft plugin at once, the server will indubitably lag.


Anyway, I’m bored of responding to a request and points and reasons we’ve all see and heard before. If your going to say anything about boats right now, talk about how we could improve them- after reading through the thousands of topics on the same things. Its a circular argument.

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