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Doing this will also promote player owned shops because if you dont get a shop on the main shop (warp shop2) you basically dont sell.

-_- Read that again. That’s not even an argument, it is a fact. -Don’t have a shop on the main shop street, you wont sell. -> Removing player owned shops being promoted by the server = less selling. I understand the point, but the reason this shopping area exists is because there was an awful lot less selling.

Another thing, I dont know for sure, but technically you could currently build a base at warp shops, making your base un raidable, sorta exploiting it…

Evidence… Either way, I can see your point, BUT I am sure the moderators etc actively check this. This is however a possibility, but your losing your money at the same time just for storage space? Surely there is a HUGE negative to do this than make an unsiegeable claim?

A certain group of players basically controls the entire market, owning most of the shops that are bought from, if we remove warp shops this will divide up the wealth possibly.

-True, what River says. But if you remove the market, the wealth is restricted even more as there is no place for it to be moved around at all. -I don’t have to mention that you actually doubt your argument



think that removing these warps will help the economy because it will be a lot harder to get god gear for example without researching or talking to players, right now i could just warp shop2 and get a godset for around 1k without doing any research, talking or anything.

And the argument goes back to god gear. :/ Also, this in no way tries to fix the economy what you have suggested.

This will also make people promote their own buisnesses, instead of having all the items you could ever imagine in one place.

? Not an argument. Promote your business and get noticed, and maybe do what the last bit does as that does get you noticed an makes you competitive.

Honestly id add more to this post but im tired as hell and sorry for it being so unorganized and shit

Reason why you don’t do posts when your tired as hell and have it be unorganised and shit.

Even if we remove shops there would still be people that are rich as hell, and probably a place just like warp shops

So how does that ‘divide the wealth’ and provide a solution?

However, it would be pvp enabled, wouldn’t be able to be camped at, not very much lag, and it could be raidable… Some people would probably build near a warp for quick access, but without warp shop player owned shops would at least be useful again, because let’s face it, alamost everyone uses warp shops. Oh and there would be more and more shops in towns.

Lets break this up.

-It would be pvp enabled. When we’ve had places like warp shops before, they have been camped at- they would be able to be camped at also. Don’t know what made you think that idea. (probs tired)

-Raidable? sure yeah, i’ll take that as your best positive.

-Building near warp shops? People do that for the (take note of 0:35) Also, why would you not use /warp shops for even quicker access than open yourself up to raids from people doing /warp shops (?)

-Play owned shops are more useful at /warp shop why? Because they are accessible. People would also build by any of these new shopping areas, and I don’t want to see any more fucking “So so built near me” on the forums.

-Don’t know how warp shops = less shops in towns. Surely again your problem of a tonne of people having the riches would occur again, and it’d be in those towns.


these shops is just set up to make the rich get richer and the poor get poorer

@GodsDead they’re breaking the simulation. The poor get poorer because they don’t work their ass or make economically good choices.

By camping I mean staying in a shop to stay safe from pvp and raiding, I should’ve been more specific. And having people raid/PvP when you’re trying to buy something is part of the charm of pirate craft or the way it once was.

And was the reason why the economy stagnated and led to all those ‘why is the economy rubbish’ posts.

Plus that money will soon be replenished into that players bal because they sell way more than the rent costs…

-Yes, but it takes the money OUTTA the economy. Yes it makes them richer, but eventually people will have what they want or just don’t go and buy stuff, meaning less money or moving as the ‘rich’ lose it forever.

And only the rich going there ye say? Well cysteen says otherwise and I trust her, she’s a successful businesswomen and says that people were safe to walk naked there…

Business people are good at convincing the weak minded to buy their wares (or into their ideas). 😛

But I don’t know, honestly id add more to this post but im tired as hell and sorry for it being so unorganized and shit- but idgaf about feedback in this case because /warp shops is here to stay.

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