Reply To: Claim Removed Clarification

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Hey MAB/SGB, thanks for the introduction, its always amazing to me that family’s play together, I love that.

I have a vague memory of removing an iron farm, just a cheaply made cobble box?

No rules it was very simple, A long term player made a report that someone else had somehow claimed his build and he had no idea how that was possible, we chalked it up to a bug we had in Nov 2017 where claims were being overwritten from some of the very first claims ever made.

[bug] Resolved. 752+ Claims got overwritten.

We confirmed he built it and I simply gave him his building back, thats it. Nothing more too it. you wont get notified of Claims being removed as that would require 50x more time to process the thousands of claims we need to manage, and would be utterly absurd waste of time. We have MANY forms of comunication. Forums, Discord Private messages to staff, Teamspeak, Social media. This is why they exist, you make a ticket if you have an issue.

You wouldn’t have lost any claim blocks as I removed it, when players remove them they loose a % of claim blocks, so they would have gone back into your pot.

Whats done is done, and this was done months ago? No point arguing over a cobble stone box now is there.

I will leave this open in-case im remembering another claim dispute and have got the wrong event in my head.

– Moved this to the right forum, this isnt “general”.

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