Reply To: Ic3y's angry rant/complaining.

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  1. LOL
  2. You were banned from Discord for Slander  and just being a passive aggressive asshole.
    You were going around saying I DDOS people I don’t like, Err what? I haven’t even spoken to you in forever, I haven’t even been on recently? what the utter fuck? You’re not even technically correct, you cant just DDOS a person! If you were too it wouldn’t be very effective or worth anyone’s time.
  3. Read the updates
    I don’t know if you follow any news, but 1.13 is about to drop any day, there no changes happening as its pointless. I have said this already in that post, read the post, and READ what I have said I have been working on for weeks.
  4. Your ideas are not unique or even new.
    1. “Host a pot pvp tourny with ig prizes” Oh what like we have been doing, we have a whole server dedicated to PvP and an entire new tournament plugin coming soon. “More events” Go on then, build something worth while. “More events” how vauge could you possible be, do you even know the time and effort it takes to build these? Months, many months.
      New ranks, what? we just added new ranks, I dont.. what? how is this even relevant? or even an idea.
    2. “pvp practice arena” we literally have a PvP practice arena server, what is wrong with you.


Closed, im going to look into what slander you have been spreading about me and decide on a punishment.

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