Reply To: Spawnkilling, Abusing fireworks, bypassing chatfilter

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports Spawnkilling, Abusing fireworks, bypassing chatfilter Reply To: Spawnkilling, Abusing fireworks, bypassing chatfilter

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So Drifting, you r admitting to abusing game mechanics bye killing people with fireworks in pvp safe zones?


CrazyPirate here, everyone’s favourite forum mod (Sorry palmer!). Time for my two cents…

Killing someone within a pvp free area is, as far as I’m aware, decided on a case by case basis. For example, offloading a full broadside into the spawn ship is probably gonna get you banned. Buuut, pushing an afk player into the water at cove, and watching them drown? Feel free. Bonus points if they’re dumb enough to wear god armour too.

I’m going to make a bit of a leap here and say because of the circumstances, killing you by placing fireworks (not by using a firework projectile) is totally legal, since if you were actually playing the game you would have had an opportunity to escape. Plus, as deaths on here go, it was probably quite pretty too.

Crazy Out.

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