Reply To: Spawnkilling, Abusing fireworks, bypassing chatfilter

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports Spawnkilling, Abusing fireworks, bypassing chatfilter Reply To: Spawnkilling, Abusing fireworks, bypassing chatfilter

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I dont trash talk, all i say is that i have no respect for your crew that has many pvpers that spawnkill and only ask to fight. Sure, you can start wars, but this is pirate server, with ships, cannons, etc. and an ally of yours even said “nobody builds ships”, thats what concerns me. Pvp may be enabled but that doesnt mean you have to kill somone 50 times and make up an excuse to make it right. And no i wasnt “jitterclicking” at all, you killed me over and over again for no reason. I’ll admit at the end i tried to fight back but it was worthless, thats just an excuse so you can say the spawnkilling was acceptable. I never mentioned you griefing my base because i checked and there wasnt much. But, you guys were there to kill me over and over again. You tpd in cosmic, kzh, gingful, and others to just spawn kill me, cosmic even passed me a sword and said “fight” so i did, but that was another excuse to kill me.

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