Reply To: davidj123456 Unban Appeal

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests davidj123456 Unban Appeal Reply To: davidj123456 Unban Appeal

davidj123456 pmc
  • Topics: 1
  • Replies: 2
  • Total: 3

Okay look, it has been a month since my appeal. The above does count as ‘butthurt and complaining’, so I’ll make this short and quick. It’s been two and a half years, yet I’m still here. I made a big mistake, I pissed everyone off, I’m sorry. I’ve changed and I don’t break rules anymore. I just want to be part of the community again and be positive instead of negative. I’ve has time to look over my actions and learn from my mistakes. I hope I can be forgiven and and least get a reply.



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