Reply To: A couple of suggestions

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions A couple of suggestions Reply To: A couple of suggestions

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*repeats self*

  • This variant/map of the server will never have ships used more for an insane amount of variables.
  • We would have to remove ALL teleportation, homes, crew homes, Tp, back, top, beds, EVERYTHING
  • You need to give REASON to use ships, aka, monetary value, again read the bullet point directly above to why you cant do this.
  • Removing native, features will never help anyone new, anyone old, it will only piss people off.

The trillion times I have read/replied this before I have suggest many, many alternatives that we could do, but again, we have a list of things IN ORDER that need to be done, everything cannot be dropped, and its all patience, we KNOW ships need more of a use, we KNOW. its planned, its been forever. its frustrating. Or help make it come true? I have an hour max a day I can put into piratecraft and its mostly replying to people.

  • PLANNED: A second survival server where land ownership is different or limited, where the only mode of transport is ships, and there are ports to trade between, with islands that generate loot to battle over. This has literally been mentioned for years, cant happen until people help out, it would be better off as a kind-of small game that resets, ish.
  • ALTERNATIVE FASTER SOLUTION TO ABOVE Another alternative is adding an additional extra world, nothing to do with the current world, and addition EXTRA world, a lot of people struggle to understand what additional means. This world having similar features but very limited to what a whole server would give us the options for. No TP, No claiming or just renting plots in cities, and some trade, but it wouldn’t work with current eco being so filled already with rich players, it would make it pointless for players that are already rich.
    • Either way were still going to have MULTIPLE ADDITIONAL worlds added, one specifically for airships.
  • PRIORITY Ship battle mini-game servers, this is priority over both of the above. there are at least 10 ideas I could throw off the top of my head with this, but figuring out a mini-game game-mode (Aka how you win) is extremely difficulty as the thing people come up with are impossible without rewriting the ship plugin and creating a unique plugin from scratch that works with it, for example having an item that moves on boats that acts as a “core” or flag, or treasure or just anything that would mean moving with the ship, its moving position cannot be tracked by third party plugins. The only viable option would be a PvP deathmatch or maybe a defend scenario defending a point, gamemode king of the hill.

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