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Captain General of the most revered sixth corps of Marines of the land of the purple sun in the continent of Supernova, High Admiral of the first squadron of the seas of Vernistopilia, Honourary Vice Maharaja of the dominions of the Kingdom of Westacos, High Priest of the temple of the most great and mighty Dead God, Imperator of the Inquisitionry forces of the Prince of the Black Desert, Knight Commander of the most Honourable sovereigns of Eternal life and nobility, Grand Warden of the provinces beyond the second sea of the glorified land of the setting sun, Sixteenth Emperor of the seventh province of the most holy and sacred land of the four seas and six oceans, and Deity of the religions beyond the moon SnapCrackPlays

-Proprietor of Fort Abercrombie

-Patient #412 of the Asylum

"I cannot, if I am in the field of glory, be kept out of sight: wherever there is anything to be done, there Providence is sure to direct my steps."
Horatio Nelson

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