Reply To: [Report] SilentLeon_ Kyshinnn DriftingSixGuns

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports [Report] SilentLeon_ Kyshinnn DriftingSixGuns Reply To: [Report] SilentLeon_ Kyshinnn DriftingSixGuns

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Maiz, correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t blu already said it isn’t illegal to spam kill deckies, although it is frowned upon?

Blu did mention something similar to this, however I believe he was talking about when siegeing and raiding. In this incident it is blatant obvious that they were preventing this player from leaving and returning to his home for a extremely long period of time. Check the screenshots and you will see this is more than just raiding a deckhand, this is harassment.

EDIT: also wemb, this player died almost 40 times…dont you think thats excessive?

A endermite kicked my ass

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