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Sure, start a test thread with three entries. Then edit the second entry perhaps two dozen times in a row. Sooner or later it will disappear. Perhaps also log the occasional edit (but not all of them). This is how I’ve lost three very long posts in the past two weeks. I suspect the spam filter might have something to do with this phenomenon. Also, Iridus seems to have found some good temporary workarounds while it’s being diagnosed.

This forum software is a piece of shit, but were too deep to go changing now 🙁

I did notice something from years ago when I set it up, theres actually a “conflict” with how I setup the url structure.

at present topics are shows at which makes no sence, it should be but when I set this up, the main forum index displays each forum as instead of, adds in an extra /forum in there, I think this is what wound me up so I renamed the forums index and forums slug the same, not sure if this would have any impact but its something I can test.

Issue with updating something like that is it breaks all existing links posted elsewhere 🙁

Let me try that test thread you said, see if i can get it happening.

edit: Are you talking about group forums? or general?

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