Reply To: Java(TM) SE Binary Not Working

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I’ve been having issues with Java too. I don’t remember the exact error message but it is something like “Java has stopped working” and the minecraft launcher comes up. I have reinstalled Java, Optifine, updated my drivers and all that but nothing.

I’m not sure if this is related but my graphics card will occasionally just stop outputting a signal to my monitor (this happens even when Im not playing minecraft). My monitor turns itself off like it does when you sleep/turn off your computer. I have to restart my PC when this happens. The monitor also turns off then back on again when Java crashes so maybe it is something wrong like my graphics card is randomly shutting off that is causing Java to crash. I doubt its the monitor because the monitor shouldn’t affect Java running. My monitor is of course plugged into my graphics card. If anyone has had a problem like this, help would be appreciated. 🙂

Maybe I can recreate this to narrow down what is causing the problem? Should I try to turn off my graphics card while I’m playing minecraft to see what happens? And how would I do this if I should?

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